Phish 1999-07-20
Molson Amphitheater, Toronto, ON

Set 1
Chalk Dust Torture, Sample in a Jar, Cars Trucks Buses, The Sloth, The Divided Sky, Waste, Ghost, Wilson, You Enjoy Myself

Set 2
Twist, Moma Dance, What's The Use, Train Song, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Misty Mountain Hop*, E: Guyute, Hello Ma Baby

Set 3

* Led Zeppelin cover from 4th album; first time played

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
8471999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
Schoeps; via L. Winton and Madcap; d1t1 low levels until 1:15, then improve;alternate circulating checksums provide by Jud Howell, Bill Mitchell and P Rentz added March 5, 2018.
280031999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
Schoeps mk4v/m222 > nt222 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD1000 > D8; Tascam DA-20mkII > Audiowerk2 > Soundforge 4.5 > CDWav > SHN
865541999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > Apogee AD-1000 @48kHz; Tascam DA-40 > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 > Samplitude 7.0 (48>44.1kHz) > CDWav > FLAC; Taped by Chas Patrizia; Transferred by Taylor Caine
968721999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
Source: Studio Projects LSD2(Blumlien)>MiAGi II custom cable>Edirol UA-5(Oade T-mod plus)>Nomad JB3 .wav @ 44.1 Mic Placement: FOB, DFC 6ft from stage Transfer: JB3>firewire>pc>CD Wave> Flac Frontend 1.7.1 Taped and Transferred by Jason Adler Jason at Galactic-Trading dotcom
1397571999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
flac16 44.1khz Source: Neumann KM184 > Apogee AD1000 > Tascam DA-P1 (44.1 khz). Location: OTS. Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(Apogee AES/EBU)>Sound Devices 722 (16/44.1)> Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6(fades, normalize peak, +gain, track)> xACT 2.41(encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16 (level 8 ). Taped by: Duncan Oldham. Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe
1400011999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
flac16 48khz Source: Audio Technica 815 shotguns (OTS/PAS) > D8 @ 16/48 Transfer: DAT/m > Sony PCM-R300 > optical > MacMini(Audacity) > IzotopeRX > xACT(FLAC/TAG) 16/48 Taper: Matt “Lazy Lightning” Lazor Transfer: DiGiHoArDeRs
1477341999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
flac16/44.1khz Source:2-AKG C460's W/CK-61 Cardiod ( 10" Apart ORTF ) Stand 8ft > Symetrix SX-202 Pre-Amp>Sony SBM-1 A/D Converter>Sony D-10 Pro II DAT DAT Transfer: Sony PCM-2700>SP/DIF>HHB CD-R 850 December 1999 CD Transfer: CD Opital Drive>Traders Little Helper FLAC Encoding Location: Sec 201 Row T Seat 19 Taper: Terry Sullivan
1578451999-07-20Molson AmphitheaterTorontoON
flac16 44.1kHz Neumann KM184 > Apogee AD1000 > DAT Master (Tascam DA-P1/44.1k); DAT Master (Sony PCM-2600) > Apogee AES/EBU Cable > Sound Devices 722 > Sound Studio 3.6 > xACT 2.41 > FLAC/16; Recorded by Duncan Oldham
Created At
Fri Aug 04 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Mar 11 2002 19:32:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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