The Blind Tiger, Greensboro, NC

Set 1
Sativa *
Miguel's Dream *
Beneficial Tangent
Spirits in the Material World
Funky Jenk Patrol> *
Submersible Pump> *
Funky Jenk Patrol> *
West L.A. Fadeaway> *
Submersible Reprise *
Rocky Peace *
The Word *
Electric Moment
Ska Face
The Way Life Goes *
Manic Depression *
Tony Checheres *
Trenchtown Rock *
Jam *
Slow Down *
Masta Blasta *
Brighter Day
Metro Gnome *
Rock Socks (Banter)
Cairo *

Set 2

Set 3

* w/ Will Little of Loop on Keyboards

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
706592005-08-25The Blind TigerGreensboroNC
2 AKG 480 (CK61) FOB DFC XY90>MiniMe>DAP1 > CD>Nero>wav>flac
Created At
Thu Apr 20 2006 12:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Mar 23 2006 07:10:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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