The Get Up Kids 2004-04-29
The Metro, Melbourne, Australia

Set 1
Presenter Intro
Wouldn't Believe It
I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel
No Love
Mass Pike
Sick In Her Skin
The One You Want
Walking On A Wire
Is There A Way Out
Presenter Outro

Set 2

Set 3

According to Pryor, the band actually "broke up" nearly a year ago while touring Australia.

"That particular tour broke the camel's back, because I just wanted to be home with my kids and my wife," said Pryor, who has two young children. "I told (my bandmates) I didn't want to tour as much any more ... Their response was, 'We should either do it a hundred percent or we shouldn't do it at all."

Instead of making a formal announcement, the band let the idea simmer for awhile when they returned home.

"I still thought there was hope," Ryan Pope said. "I was kind of a wreck for a little while. We all were, 'cause
we were like, 'Well, now what are we supposed to do?'"

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Thu Feb 16 2006 12:50:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 11 2005 15:30:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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