Water Street Music Hall, Rochester, NY

Set 1
1: Next
2: Scratch & Sniff
3: Cheeseballs in Cowtown
4: Lochs of Dread
5: Futureman Solo >
6: Futch/Bela Jam >
7: Throwdown at the Hoedown
8: Christmas Medley

Set 2
1: Victor Solo
2: Vic/Jeff Jam
3: C Nu
4: New G Tune
5: A Moment So Close
6: Bela Solo
7: New Wacky One
8: Shanti

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Mon Dec 13 2004 21:24:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Dec 13 2004 21:24:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Users with this performance
Name#Active (0-5)Top CollectionsLast Update
Dan Cook39842023-4-23
Nick Smith71442023-4-23
Shawn Fahl60332023-4-23
Todd Snyder86352023-4-23
Terry Mercer84442023-4-23