Anja Garbarek 2001-05-27
U.S.F. Røkeriet, Bergen, Norway
Set 1
(Audience talk)
Her room
The Gown
Spin the context
Stay tuned
You know
Big mouth
The diver
That?s all
And then
It seems we talk
I won?t hurt you
The blinking blocks of light
She collects
Balloon mood
Her room
The Gown
Spin the context
Stay tuned
You know
Big mouth
The diver
That?s all
And then
It seems we talk
I won?t hurt you
The blinking blocks of light
She collects
Balloon mood
Set 2
Set 3
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
Created At
Fri Nov 12 2004 07:48:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 12 2004 07:48:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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