Grand Funk Video Compilation (Live & Music Videos), Compilation, Compilation

Set 1
Playboy After Dark (1969)
1. Mr. Limousine Driver
2. Please Don't Worry

Cincinnati Pop Fest (1970)
3. Don Brewer drum solo
4. Inside Looking Out

Get Down Grand Funk (1970)
5. Into The Sun

The Golden Age of Rock 'N' Roll
6. American Band

The Forum, Los Angeles January 6, 1974

7. Foot Stompin' Music
8. Rock & Roll Soul
9. Heartbreaker
10. Shinin' On
11. Locomotion
12. American Band (video)
13. American Band (live)
14. T. N. U. C.
15. Don Brewer drum solo
16. T. N. U. C. (cont.)
17. Inside Looking Out

VH1 Behind The Music (1999)
18. segment #1
19. segment #2
20. segment #3
21. segment #4
22. segment #5
*unfortunately - this is not the entire VH1

broadcast - the last few minutes
are missing.

Set 2

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Wed Jul 26 2006 20:57:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jul 29 2004 10:27:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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