Grateful Dead 1993-09-28
Boston Garden, Boston, MA

Set 1
Touch Of Grey
Greatest Story Ever Told
Row Jimmy
New Minglewood Blues
So Many Roads
When I Paint My Masterpiece
Bird Song

Set 2
China Cat Sunflower >
I Know You Rider
Samson & Delilah
Uncle John's Band >
Playing In The Band >
Drums >
Space >
Attics Of My Life >
Throwing Stones >
Good Lovin
U.S. Blues

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
790581993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC
879891993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Neumann km 82i > Sonosax SX-PR power supply > Sony TCD D10 PRO II DAT x1 Recorded by Jim Birkhead Taper Section left of SBD Cloned: Casio DA-7 > Panasonic SV-3700 January 1997 Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 to 48 khz Wavelab 5.0 mastering with iZotope Ozone 3 > dithered to 44.1 khz > CDWAV1.9 > FLAC (level 8). Transferred, Remastered by Bill Koucky Seeded by Green Mountain Bros. October 26, 2007
877811993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; AUD Source: Nakamichi CM-300's w/CP-4 shotgun capsules > Casio DA-7 > Sony DT-Dat tape. Mics on 7-foot stand, pointed at stacks, floor OTS aprx 2 or 3 rows behind soundboard. Transfer: MAD > Sony TCD-D10P > SPDIF > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge (at 48kHz) > CD-Wave > R8Brain v1.9 (downsample to 44.1kHz) > TLH > FLAC. Taped & transferred by Andrew F.
877801993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48; AUD Source: Nakamichi CM-300's w/CP-4 shotgun capsules > Casio DA-7 > Sony DT-Dat tape. Mics on 7-foot stand, pointed at stacks, floor OTS aprx 2 or 3 rows behind soundboard. Transfer: MAD > Sony TCD-D10P > SPDIF > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge (at 48kHz) > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC. Taped & transferred by Andrew F.
123781993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
Source: Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > Monster SPDIF digital cable > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec, 48>44 with anti-alias filter) > CDWav (splits)> mkw > shn (seekable) SHNtool used verify track boundaries prior to wav>shn Transfered by Marc Pujol 9/25/2002
128501993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
Lineage: Set 1: Schoeps>Dat>Sound Forge>CD (previous aud shn seed via Marc Pujol et. al.) Set 2: SBD>Dat>Cm>Dat>Samplitiude>CD Dat>CD Transfer for sbd portion done by Charlie Miller
288991993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
Source: A: NeumannShotguns>DAT Transfer: DAT>ZA2 (S/PIDF)>Samplitude 2496>CD-r (or shn) Transfer by Chris Larson
1253821993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Three-source matrix using the following sources. (1) SBD -> Dat (48k) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller. (2) Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k; Transfered by Marc Pujol 9/25/2002 Source DAT from Dave Minor via Matt Vernon. (3) Neumann Shotguns > DAT; Tapes provided by Tom and Roger, Conversion by Chris Larson; Upgrade in circulation; the seeder has requested that this version be removed from circulation
1254611993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Matrix of Source 1: SBD Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (48k); Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC, Source 2: AUD Source: NeumannShotguns>DAT; Transfer: DAT>ZA2 (S/PIDF)>Samplitude 2496>CD-r (or shn) and Source 3: AUD Source: Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k; Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > Monster SPDIF digital cable > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec, 48>44 with anti-alias filter) > CDWav (splits) > mkw > shn (seekable); originally seeded with a track missing (Please do not circulate the incomplete version.); Upgrade in circulation; the seeder has requested that this version be removed from circulation
1267461993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Matrix from Source 1: SBD Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (48k); Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC Source 2: AUD Source: A: NeumannShotguns>DAT; Transfer: DAT>ZA2 (S/PIDF)>Samplitude 2496>CD-r (or shn) and Source 3: AUD Source: Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k; Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > Monster SPDIF digital cable > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec, 48>44 with anti-alias filter) > CDWav (splits) > mkw > shn (seekable); Matrix by Roger Eichorn
1286941993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Source:Sony D6 Cassette Master>Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP4 Shotguns>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck(Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>CD Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker,Taper; Section,Section 38,Row CC,Seat 14
1399811993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48kHz; aud dat master, sennheiser 441's>denon dtr-80, taped by Doug Lamarre, transferred & seeded by Rob Berger
1401311993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48kHz; Recording Info: Rich Gastwirt's Master Audience Dat 16/48; Schoeps CMC4/MK4 -> Oade P/S -> Panasonic SV-255; Transfer Info: Dat (Panasonic SV-3800) 16/48 -> Tascam DA-3000 16/48 -> Adobe Audition 3.0 -> TLH flac1648
1645161993-09-28Boston GardenBostonMA
Source: 2x Sennheiser ME 88's (stand) > Sony TCD-D7 taped by Dan Rogosa
Transfer: MDAT > Fostex D-15 > Tascam DA-3000 > WAV @ 16/48
Master: Wavelab 11 (tracking, fades, remove DC offset) > FLAC 1648
Created At
Tue Feb 12 2019 10:26:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Sep 07 2001 11:01:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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