Grateful Dead 1993-03-17
Capital Centre, Landover, MD

Set 1
Shakedown Street
Wang Dang Doodle
Lazy River Road
Desolation Row
Ramble On Rose

Set 2
Picasso Moon >
Crazy Fingers >
Playing In The Band >
Dark Star >
Drums >
Space >
Handsome Cabin Boy Jam >
The Other One >
Days Between >
Good Lovin'

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
790501993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC
344211993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; **SOUNDCHECK** Recording Info: Unknown Mics -> ? -> Cassette Transfer Info: Cassette (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sony R500 (Pass Through) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC
851631993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac 16; Source: AKG 460/CK8's -> Panasonic SV-255 -> (clone) TEAC DA-P20 ->Tascam DA-30 (48k) --[coaxial S/PDIF]--> Diamond xTreme Sound Card (48k)
867111993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; Source: Unknown AUD > ? > Cassette. Transfer: Cassette > Sony TC-D5M (no Dolby) > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC (August 2007) by Andrew F. (note: the date in the info file and file names is incorrect; this is from 3/17/93.)
777881993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; NAK-300s > Sony D-5, using Dolby B. Two Maxwell MXS tapes recorded by Boyd McHugh from tapers' section Transfer: MC > standalone Philips 880 CD recorder, via Nak BX-300 cassette deck, as long multi-song tracks > EAC to extract to hard drive, CD Wave for splitting resulting .wav files, flac Fromtend to encode to flac. This is done by Bzl
319571993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; record: akg 451's>b18's>D5proII ots transfer: Cassette Master>Aiwa F810>MAudio audiophile 24/96 @44.1>Wavelab 5>cdwav>flac record& transfer by cdipietro
49791993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
SBD > MC > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHN; see info file for notes; upload C. Ladner, from cm's seed
1177431993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16; Source: Sony D6 Cassette master(Dolby B On)>Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP4 Shotguns>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck(Playback,Dolby Off)> Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>Cd Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders little Helper. Taped By Dave Boedicker,Official Taper Section
1388771993-03-17Capital CentreLandoverMD
flac16/48kHz; Set 2, Taped by Ron Keyser: AMS ST-250 Soundfield mic > Modified Sony D10Pro> DAT - FOB; John Ammons Transfer from his DAT clone of the master; Tascam DA20 Mark II DAT > Roland SRC-2 sample rate/format converter (from SPDIF to Optical) > Mac Mini > Audacity 3.0 at 48K > Wave; Edited & Mastered in Audacity by Joe Noel > flac 16/48; Checksum & tags created in xACT
Created At
Mon Jan 06 2025 20:22:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Mar 27 2002 17:08:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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