Primus 2004-02-24
Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS
Set 1
To Defy the Laws of Tradition, The Toys Go Winding Down, Frizzle Fry, The Carpenter and the Dainty Bride , My Name is Mud, Mary The Ice Cube, Too Many Puppies
Set 2
Seas of Cheese, Here Come the Bastards, Sgt. Baker, American Life, Jerry was a Race Car Driver, Drum and Whamola Jam, Eleven, Is it Luck?, Grandad's Little Ditty, Tommy the Cat, Sathington Waltz, Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers, Fish On, Los Bastardos
E: John the Fisherman
E: John the Fisherman
Set 3
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
Created At
Tue Mar 23 2004 20:01:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Mar 23 2004 20:01:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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