Grateful Dead 1989-10-20
The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA

Set 1
Touch Of Grey >
Greatest Story Ever Told
Picasso Moon
Just A Little Light
Tennessee Jed
Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
Stagger Lee
Promised Land >
California Earthquake

Set 2
Hey Pocky Way >
Scarlet Begonias >
Fire On The Mountain >
Truckin' >
The Other One >
Drums >
Space >
I Will Take You Home >
The Other One >
Wharf Rat >
Sugar Magnolia

Brokedown Palace

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
833171989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
998671989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Source: (OTS)Nak.300/cp4->Sony D-5M (Dolby B encoded)->TDK MA-X90 x2->Sony D-5M (Dolby B decoded)->Korg MR-1000 (1Bit/5.6MHz)-> AudioGate->wav(16/44.1)->SF8->FLAC; Taper: Dave Barfield
76411989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
DSBD>C?>DAT>CDR; via eD O'Connor
130321989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
Ultra-Matrix Soundboard DAT > Cassette > DAT > CDR; Audience source supplies first 0:48 of "Hey Pocky Way" (d2t01); Alternate Sbd source supplies balance of "Hey Pocky Way" (d2t01) as well as the first 4:46 of "Scarlet Begonias" (d2t02);Patching / CD Mastering by Scott Clugston EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Scott Clugston; to abgd via terrapin flyer
345791989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
Seamless fix of shn id 13032 - Ultramatrix SBD DAT>C>DAT>CD>EAC>SHN
990711989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
Possibly Shure M57s audience cassette master > burned to standalone Pioneer burner > ripped with DAC > shinned with MKW
1022001989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC)
1115271989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; SBD Master Cassettes recorded by BEAR; Transferred and Mastered by Jim Blackwood; Tracked in CDWAV Tag&Rename for Meta_Data TradersLittleHelper for FLAC Level 8 by Patrick White
1167211989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Source: (OTS) Nakamichi cm300/cp4's > Sony TCD-D10; Lineage: DAT/M > DA-P1 > HHb 800 > EAC > CDWav > FLAC; Recorded: Gene Juteau; Transferred: Jeff Bowen; Extraction: Brad Foster
1204991989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16/48kHz; Source: Schoeps CMC5/MK21> ? > DAT (probably Schoeps CMC5/MK21> Oade P/S > Panasonic SV250) (48 khz); Location: FOB; Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(S/PDIF)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)> Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6(fades, normalize peak, +gain, track)> xACT 2.18(encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16 (level 8 ); DAT clone (2) provided by: Craig Hillwig; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe
1205001989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Source: Schoeps CMC5/MK21> ? > DAT (probably Schoeps CMC5/MK21> Oade P/S > Panasonic SV250) (48 khz); Location: FOB; Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(S/PDIF)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)> Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6(fades, normalize peak, +gain, track)> Wave Editor 1.5.6 (iZotope Resampler)> xACT 2.18(encode, align on sector boundaries, tag, fingerprint)>flac16 (level 8 ); DAT clone (2) provided by: Craig Hillwig; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe
1235841989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; MAV (Taped by Peanut Production camera crew);Nak 300 Shotguns -> 0 Decks -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS Master Transfer: S-VHS Master -> Sony SLV-R5UC -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS 1st Gen. Transfer: S-VHS 1st Gen. -> Panasonic AG-7150 -> Canopus ADVC-100 -> iMac Core 2 Duo -> Final Cut Pro 6 -> Compressor 3 -> BHP -> Adobe Audition 3.0 -> R8Brain Pro -> CDWave
1235901989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Matrix 2 Source Mix - SBD (shn id 83317) SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller + AUD (shn id 123584) MAV (Taped by Peanut Production camera crew);Nak 300 Shotguns -> 0 Decks -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS Master Transfer: S-VHS Master -> Sony SLV-R5UC -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS 1st Gen. Transfer: S-VHS 1st Gen. -> Panasonic AG-7150 -> Canopus ADVC-100 -> iMac Core 2 Duo -> Final Cut Pro 6 -> Compressor 3 -> BHP -> Adobe Audition 3.0 -> R8Brain Pro -> CDWave - matrix mixing by Kevin Tobin
1235911989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
DTS Audio 5.1; SBD (shn id 83317) SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller + AUD (shn id 123584) MAV (Taped by Peanut Production camera crew);Nak 300 Shotguns -> 0 Decks -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS Master Transfer: S-VHS Master -> Sony SLV-R5UC -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS 1st Gen. Transfer: S-VHS 1st Gen. -> Panasonic AG-7150 -> Canopus ADVC-100 -> iMac Core 2 Duo -> Final Cut Pro 6 -> Compressor 3 -> BHP -> Adobe Audition 3.0 -> R8Brain Pro -> CDWave - mixing by Kevin Tobin
1425631989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16/48kHz; Source Info: Ted Mattes' Master (FOB)Audience Dat; Schoeps CMC4/MK4 mics @ 110 degrees, ORTF, Schoeps t-bar, hand held, chin high > Monster Cable Interlinks > Oade capacitor P/S > Panasonic SV-250 (16-bit/48k); Transfer Info: Master Dat (Sony PCM-R500)> Tascam DA-3000 (16-bit/48k) > .wav(16-bit/48k)> Adobe Audition 3.0 > TLH 1648
1477391989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16/48kHz; 5.1 LPCM Surround Sound (48k) - SBD (shn id 83317) SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller + AUD (shn id 123584) MAV (Taped by Peanut Production camera crew);Nak 300 Shotguns -> 0 Decks -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS Master Transfer: S-VHS Master -> Sony SLV-R5UC -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS 1st Gen. Transfer: S-VHS 1st Gen. -> Panasonic AG-7150 -> Canopus ADVC-100 -> iMac Core 2 Duo -> Final Cut Pro 6 -> Compressor 3 -> BHP -> Adobe Audition 3.0 -> R8Brain Pro -> CDWave - surround mixing by Kevin Tobin
1477491989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac24; Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > dBpoweramp > Adobe Audition CC2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
1479021989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > dBpoweramp > Adobe Audition CC2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller, This file set is 16 bit @ 44.1
1496821989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16; Source:DAK Shotgun Mics>Sony WM-D6C Cassette Deck>2 Maxell MX-90 Minute Metal Cassette Master Tapes>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck (Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR (24/44.1 KHZ)>Cd Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper Taped By Dave Boedicker, Official Taper Section, Section 107, Row 5, Seat 20
1540351989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac16/44 A Photoleon Matrix: (fob) Schoeps Cmc4 Mk4 @ 110° > Master Dat + Sbd > Master Cassettes. Master Dat Fob Recording By Ted Mattes. Master Cassette Sbd Recording By Bear. Matrix Created By Joe Noel June 4, 2021
1648361989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac1648 Jim Vita's Master Audience Cassettes; Beyer M160 mics > Sony D5M (Maxell XLII-S) Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi CR-7A)> Tascam DA-3000 (24-bit/96k) > Adobe Audition CC 2022 > TLH flac2496
1648371989-10-20The SpectrumPhiladelphiaPA
flac2496 Jim Vita's Master Audience Cassettes; Beyer M160 mics > Sony D5M (Maxell XLII-S) Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi CR-7A)> Tascam DA-3000 (24-bit/96k) > Adobe Audition CC 2022 > TLH flac2496
Created At
Fri Nov 01 2019 08:41:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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