Grateful Dead 1989-07-18
Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, WI

Set 1
Touch Of Grey
Jack Straw
Jack A Roe
New Minglewood Blues
Friend Of The Devil
Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
Bird Song >
Promised Land

Set 2
Sugar Magnolia >
Scarlet Begonias >
Man Smart (Woman Smarter) >
Eyes Of The World >
Drums >
Space >
China Doll >
Dear Mr. Fantasy >
Hey Jude >
Throwing Stones >
Sunshine Daydream

The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
924301989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; Source: Sennheiser 441 > Marantz PDM 340 w/ dbx Cassette Master Maxell MX-S 90 Recorded by Casey Coniff in front of Repeater Stack Transfer: Nakamichi DR-1 > dbx224x > Korg MR-1 DSD [1 Bit 2.8 khz] Mastering: Audio Gate to [24/96] > WaveLab > Nomad Blue Tube Limiter LM2S-3 > r8brain to [16/44.1] > CD Wave > TLH > Flac Transfer and Mastering by Bill Koucky, Green Mountain Bros. June 24, 2008
962311989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; matrix of DSBD: shnid=9854 and AUD: shnid=92430 by hansokolow using ProTools
4351989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
DSBD> DAT> CD; via Nick Georges; reported diginoise at the beginning of Touch and in a few other places, like just before Jack-A-Roe starts, and in Sugar Mag :22-:28; weirdness note: info file gives 7-5-7 tracking, md5s shown here have 9-5-7 tracking; further, listener B. de Vos reports d1t5 FOTD is not on info file, and neither is d1t9 TMNS- the latter was not even played at the show (must be filler)
284741989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
Source: DSBD Transfer: D8 > Waveterminal 2496 (@44.1) > Samplitude 2496 > CDWav > mkwACT Transfer and Seed by Jason Brantley ( 3/27/2003 -sector boundary error in d1t02 of shn id 9854; disc fixed with shntool -SBE in d1t02 fixed by William at TuneTree ; via TuneTraa and LMA
98541989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
DSBD; Transfer: D8 > Waveterminal 2496 (@44.1) > Samplitude 2496 > CDWav > mkwACT (seeking); Transfer and Seed by Jason Brantley; see inof file for flaw notes
1064911989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; TAPER: GREG HOLTZ "1st two nights we were up on the lawn shooting at the repeater stacks from very close range" SOURCE: Nakamichi CM-300's with CP4 shotgun caps -> Sony TC-D5M TRANSFER: By (JAZ) Master Cassettes (Maxell MX 100) Tascam 112MKII -> Korg MR-1, 1bit 2.8MHz -> USB -> Korg Audio Gate Software 24bit 96KHz -> Wave Lab 6.0 w/UAD -> R8brain for 16bit 44.1KHz sample rate conversion -> Traders Little Helper flac8 -> Tagged w/Tag & Rename
1067201989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; Recorded by David Cohen & Justin Lee Front Row of Lawn 8 foot stand 2 Nakamichi CM300s/ CP4's w/1 Nakamichi CM300/CP2> Nakamichi 550>Sony TCD5M (Oade erase head removal modifications) w/Maxell MX90 cassette masters. Dolby B was used on the Master Cassettes. The Master Cassettes were played back with Azimuth adjustment and Dolby B decoding on a Nakamichi CD1 into a Korg MR1000 at DSF 1 bit 5.6MHz. Subsequent conversion to 24/96 AIFF done via Korg Audiogate software. Redbook CDR standard 16/44.1 files were created using Bias Peak, Izotope Ozone's MBIT+ (for all dithering), and Weiss Saracon SRC (all sample rate conversions). Transferred by Dave Cohen November 2009.
1197721989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; Source:Sony WM-D6C Cassette Master(Maxell MX Metal Tapes,Dolby "B" On)>Dak Shotgun Mics>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck(Playback,Dolby Off)>Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>CD Wav Editor>Traders little Helper>Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker,On The Hill About 20 Yards In Front Of The Relay Tower
1255101989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Baker, Transfer By Keo; Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony TC-D5M, Tapes: Maxell XLII-S 90's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked With AudioGate Software To 24/96 kHz; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1255111989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Baker, Transfer By Keo; Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony TC-D5M, Tapes: Maxell XLII-S 90's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate Software To 32/96 kHz Wave; Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1384791989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac24; Recording Info: Ultra Matrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.8 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > Adobe Audition CC 2015 > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
1384961989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16; Recording Info: Ultra Matrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.8 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > Adobe Audition CC 2015 > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller, This is 138479 24 bit -> 16 bit
1422981989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac16/48kHz; Ted Mattes Master DAT Recording: Schoeps CMC4 MK4 > DAT; Recorded off the delay stacks from the lawn; Charlie Miller Transfer: DAT > Sony PCM r500 > Tascam DA-3000 > Flac 16/48
1475671989-07-18Alpine Valley Music TheatreEast TroyWI
flac24; Source Info: TS Beyer CM 101-> Sony D6-> Cassette Master (Maxell XL-II's 90's); Transfer Info: Master Cassette-> Nakamichi CR-5A -> Grace Lunatec V3 (Analog-> Digital Converter) (SPDIF out) 24/96-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> WAV-> FLAC Level 8-> Tagged (24/96); Transfers by Pete Ebel
Created At
Tue Jul 10 2018 19:15:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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