Kate Bush 1976-11-01
Passing Through Air, various, various

Set 1
Kate Bush
"Passing Through Air"
Chapter One CO25129

1. The Kick Inside
2. Hammer Horror
3. A Rose Growing Old
4. Keep Me Waiting
5. Davy
6. Disbelieving Angel
7. Don't Push Your Foot on the Heartbrake
8. Kite
9. L'Amour Looks Something Like You
10. Strange Phenomena
11. Really Gets Me Going
12. Moving
13. Another Day

Tracks 1-6 Home Demos, 1974
7-12 Studio Outtakes with KT Bush Band, 1975
13 Live on TV with Peter Gabriel, December 1979

Set 2

Set 3

Date used for database is uncertain.
Everything above is straight from the Silver boot.
That being said, on with the errata.

Song Titles:
Some titles are incorrect or known by different names. The actual (and other alternate) titles are:
1. "The Kick Inside (Brother)"
3. "It Hurts Me" (aka "Feeling Like a Waltz")
4. "Stranded at the Moonbase" (aka "Keeping Me Waiting")
5. "While Davy Dozed" (aka "Davy")
11. "Scares Me Silly"

Listed Dates:
t1-6: are from the infamous "1976 Piano Demos", recorded in 1976 (probably November), and broadcast in Phoenix in 1982. There are 16 other songs from this period (possibly 18, but 16 for sure).

t7-12: recordind during The Kick Inside sessions (July & August 1977)

t13: 12.28.79 - from the BBC2 special "Kate". It WAS NOT a "live" recording. Kate and Peter pre-recorded the music, then mimed/danced live to a playback. This song was written by Roy Harper.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Sun Nov 30 2003 15:56:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Nov 30 2003 15:53:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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