Grateful Dead 1989-06-18
Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA

Set 1
Foolish Heart
Jack Straw
Alabama Getaway
Queen Jane Approximately
Cold Rain & Snow
Little Red Rooster
Hey Pocky Way >
Iko Iko

Set 2
Samson & Delilah >
Cumberland Blues
Saint Of Circumstance >
He's Gone >
Drums >
Space >
The Wheel >
I Need A Miracle >
Stella Blue >
Around & Around >
Good Lovin'
U.S. Blues

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
836351989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
837091989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v9.02 -> FLAC Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
90531989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
SBD>??>DAT>CDR; Seeded to etree by Tim W
1110151989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16; Source: 1 Neumann KMF4 microphones (22nd row)> Sony TC-D5M - analog master cassettes; Transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck)>Pre Sonus Inspire GT>Sound Forge>.wav files>Trader's Little Helper>flac files
1213691989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16; Set 1 Source: 2 Sonic Studio DSM-1Sx microphones - 22nd row > Sony TC-D5M - analog master cassette; Transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck) > Pre Sonus Inspire GT > Sound Forge > .wav files > Trader's Little Helper > flac files
1274161989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16; Source (AUD): Audio Technica ATM11 (~ORTF, left of center, 7' up) > 5532 differential pre-amp > Sony WMD-6C (Maxell MX 90 & MX 100 cassettes, Dolby NR off); Transfer: master cassettes > Sony TC-WE635 (Dolby NR off) > Tascam DR-680 > SDHC card > PC; Digital editing: Steinberg CuBase SX (pre and post set fades, channel balancing, WAVES Q10 Paragraphic EQ, WAVES L2 Ultramaximizer, cross fade tape flips between s1t05 & s1t06, during s2t06 and between s2t12 & s2t13); Tracking & processing: CD Wave Editor > Trader's Little Helper/ FLAC, SBE check & FLAC; fingerprint > AudioShell tag editor; Distribution format: 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo (.FLAC); Recorded, transfered, processed and distributed by Chuck Miller
1423771989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac16/48kHz; Source Info: Ted Mattes' Master Audience Dat; Schoeps CMC4/MK2S mics spaced on 2 stands, OTS > Panasonic SV-250 (16-bit/48k); Transfer Info: Master Dat (Sony PCM-R500) > Tascam DA-3000 (16-bit/48k) > wav (16-bit/48k)> Adobe Audition 3.0 > TLH 1648
1615831989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac2496 Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > Tascam Hi-Res Editor (WAV 24-bit/96k) > Adobe Audition CC 2022 > Samplitude Pro X6 Suite > FLAC/24
1641691989-06-18Shoreline AmphitheatreMountain ViewCA
flac1644 Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > Tascam Hi-Res Editor (WAV 24-bit/96k) > Adobe Audition CC 2022 > Samplitude Pro X6 Suite > FLAC/24 - This is 161583 2496 > 1644
Created At
Tue Jun 18 2019 19:02:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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