Grateful Dead 1985-09-07
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO

Set 1
The Frozen Logger
Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodleloo >
New Minglewood Blues
Brown Eyed Women
My Brother Esau
Dupree's Diamond Blues
One More Saturday Night

Set 2
Shakedown Street >
Crazy Fingers >
Samson & Delilah >
Uncle John's Band >
Playing In The Band >
Drums >
Space >
Dear Mr. Fantasy >
Hey Jude >
Dear Mr. Fantasy >
Truckin' >
Comes A Time >
Turn On Your Lovelight

Johnny B. Goode >
It's All Over Now Baby Blue

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
807231985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; MAC: Sennheiser 441s > Sony D5 > Maxell MX 90s Tapers: Justin, Adam and Monica Transfer: MAC>Nakamichi CD2(azimuth adjusted)>rca/xlr>Lunatec V3>coax>Audiophile 2496>CEP 2.0>CDWav Editor>TLH>FLAC16. Master Audience Cassettes provided by Mark McCue. Transfer, conversion and upload to bt.etree bt Alex Ford. SBE's fixed with Trader's Little Helper. Files encoded @ level 6.
293051985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Oade Brothers Recording Transferred by Doug Oade, tracked by Darrin Sacks ( Oade Master -- 90 X-Y Schoeps CMC441 & 10 ft spaced Schoeps CMC42s -> custom M118 x2 -> custom Oade mixer -> Oade MOD PCM-F1 Transfer: Master PCM > DAW (via SEKD Prodif) > Wav > cdwav > flac
339541985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> PCM Master -> Dat/0 (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Profesional v8.01 -> Cool Edit Pro v2.0 -> FLAC; Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
921841985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Sick Bits Vol. 26 - SBD/AUD matrix of 2 previously circulating sources: CM PCM SBD (shnid=33954) + Oade AUD (shnid=17078). Matrixed by Chris Chappell.
921111985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; MATRIX MIX: About 60%SBD/40%AUD Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC) June 4, 2008; fixed upgrade now in circulation
921241985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; MATRIX MIX: About 60%SBD/40%AUD Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC) June 4, 2008; This source was a fix of the original Seamons matrix. A fixed upgrade is now in circulation
925211985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; MATRIX MIX: About 60%SBD/40%AUD Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>Soundtrack>WAV>FLAC) June 4, 2008 (This source fixes flaws in the two previous Seamons sources of this matrix, shn id 92111 and shn id 92124.)
3731985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
Schoeps CMC42S> Oade power supply +90deg x-y Schoeps CMC441> Oade power supply. Then both into custom Oade mixer into Oade modified PCM-F1 and digitally remastered by Doug Oade> DAT > TB Fiji digi I/O > yarec > wav2cdr > wav; note wavs have pre-emphasis, so files should ideally be burned to audio with PRE flag set (see user comments)
170311985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
source: SB (Cassette > PCM > DAT) conversion: M-1 > 7-pin optical > Co2 > SB Live > CDwave Record > CE 2000 FFT NR > CDwave Index > (FLAC, SHN) Note: Has analog conversion through SBLive and Digital Noise Reduction.
170781985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
Source: Schoeps CMC42S > Oade power supply +90deg x-y Schoeps CMC441 > Oade power supply. Then both into custom Oade mixer into Oade modified PCM-F1 and digitally remastered by Doug Oade > DAT > TB Fiji digi I/O > yarec > wav2cdr > wav (CD) > EAC > SHN Note: This version hosted by Nicks Picks. It is unclear what may be different from the previous schoeps source.
181021985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
SBD>Cm>Dat>CD>EAC>SHN via Charlie Miller
342711985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
Fix of shnid 18102 (sbd) by Bill Tetzeli - see info file for details
1060591985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Unknown microphones x2 > Cassette Master (Sony TCD5M/Maxell XLII-S C-90) Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Korg MR-1000 (1-bit/5.6MHz) > Audiogate (1-bit/5.6MHz > 16-bit/44.1KHz) > cdwav (edits); Recorded by Bob Morris
1195951985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Darby; Sennheiser MD421's (PAS/DFC/Row 2 Behind Soundboard/6 Feet High)> Sony TC-D5M,Tapes Sony Metallic; Transfer Information:Tascam 112 MKII (XLR Out)> Tascam HD-P2 @ 24/48> HDD>Amadeus Pro (Tracking/Fades/FLAC8); Tracks Renamed/Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename By Keo
1195961985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Darby; Sennheiser MD421's (PAS/DFC/Row 2 Behind Soundboard/6 Feet High)> Sony TC-D5M,Tapes Sony Metallic; Transfer Information:Tascam 112 MKII (XLR Out)> Tascam HD-P2 @ 24/48> HDD>Amadeus Pro (Tracking/Fades/FLAC8); Tracks Renamed/Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44 By Keo; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1409011985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac24; Partial Show from Robert Bryant recording: unknown mics > Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M); Charlie Miller DSD Transfer: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A)> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.8 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > FLAC 24/96
1412431985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16; Partial Show from Robert Bryant recording: unknown mics > Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M); Charlie Miller DSD Transfer: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A)> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.8 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > FLAC 24/96; 24 bit to 16 bit with MusicConverter using sox-14-4-2
1505201985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16 Remaster of source ID 7637: SBD/AUD matrix of 2 previously circulating sources: CM PCM SBD shnid=33954 and Oade AUD shnid=17078; see info file for details
1531811985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16/44 Microphones: Beyer m201 (hypercardioid) XY 90º Recorder: Sony TC-D5M No Dolby Location: tenth row (behind OTS)- 140' from stage; 15 feet ROC This Source: Master AUDCA Maxell MX90 No NR [KH] Transfer: Nakamichi 582ZX > Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Kenny Davis, Sean Murtha, Kyle Holbrook, Tom Pinney Transfer by: Kyle Holbrook Dedicated to Kenny Davis RIP
1531821985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac16/44 Microphones: Beyer m201 (hypercardioid) XY 90º Recorder: Sony TC-D5M No Dolby Location: tenth row (behind OTS)- 140' from stage; 15 feet ROC This Source: Master AUDCA Maxell MX90 No NR [KH] Transfer: Nakamichi 582ZX > Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Kenny Davis, Sean Murtha, Kyle Holbrook, Tom Pinney Transfer by: Kyle Holbrook Dedicated to Kenny Davis RIP
1639141985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac1648 Source Info: Michael Hessberg's Master Audience Cassettes; Sennheiser ME-80 mics > Sony D5M Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2021 > TLH flac2496
1639151985-09-07Red Rocks AmphitheatreMorrisonCO
flac2496 Source Info: Michael Hessberg's Master Audience Cassettes; Sennheiser ME-80 mics > Sony D5M Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2021 > TLH flac2496
Created At
Mon Sep 03 2018 17:54:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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