Grateful Dead 1985-08-31
Manor Downs, Austin, TX

Set 1
Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodleloo >
El Paso
Dupree's Diamond Blues
Mexicali Blues >
Big River
My Brother Esau
Let It Grow

Set 2
Terrapin Station >
Estimated Prophet >
Drums >
Space >
Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad >
Stella Blue >
Throwing Stones >
Not Fade Away

She Belongs To Me
One More Saturday Night

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
259431985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16; updated lineage: 90 X-Y Schoeps CMC441 & 8ft spaced Schoeps CMC42s -> custom M118 x2 -> custom Oade mixer -> Oade MOD PCM-F1; Transfer: Master PCM > DAW (via SEKD Prodif) > Wav > cdwav > Flac; Oade Brothers Recording, Transferred by Doug Oade, tracked by Darrin Sacks
823671985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16; Taper: Mark McCue Source: (FOB) 2 Sennheiser 441s > Sony TC-D5M > Maxell MX 90s Location: FOB, 10-15 rows back, DFC Lineage: Transfer: Master AUD Cassettes > Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2 (azimuth adjusted) > Kind Kables RCA/XLR > Lunatec V3(@24/96)* > coax > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 > WaveLab 5.0 > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC24 *V3 recording levels set equally at 25 + 3 trim, by Alex Ford Mastering: SIRMick
826891985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac24/96; Source: Audience FOB Recording, 10-15 rows back, DFC Media: Maxell MX 90s, Lineage: 2 Sennheiser 441s > Sony TC-D5M > MAC Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2 (azimuth adjusted) > Kind Kables RCA/XLR > Grace Design Lunatec V3(@24/96)* > coax > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 > WaveLab 5.0 > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC24 *V3 recording levels set equally at 25 + 3 trim Taped by: M. McCue Transfer by: A. Ford Mastering: SIRMick
771931985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16; Source:FOB>(Jim Vita's)Beyer Dynamic M160's>Sony TCD5M >Sony TCD5M (Charlie Connor's CM - TDK MA90's)Transfer: Nak DR-10>Midiman Flying Cow 24bit/48kHz A/D>RME Digi96/8>Steinberg's Wavelab 3.0 (bit resolution & resampling to 16/44.1>CDWav beta1.57(tracking only)>flac16: Taped & Transferred by Charlie Connor Seeded 9/04/2006
82371985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
updated lineage: 90 X-Y Schoeps CMC441 & 8ft spaced Schoeps CMC42s -> custom M118 x2 -> custom Oade mixer -> Oade MOD PCM-F1> DAT> CDR> EAC> Shn; taped by Doug Oade; EAC'ed/Shn'ed, and Seeded via Fungus and abgd by Charlie Connor with thanks to Scott Clugston and Doug Oade
1081631985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16; Source Info: Master audience cassette recorded with 2 Beyer M160 microphones > Sony TC-D5M - Maxell MX90. Transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck) > PreSonus Inspire GT > Sound Forge > .wav files > Trader's Little Helper > flac and ffp files
1238241985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16; Nak300>CP4>D5 no dolby; ots dfc mics @10ft pas; cass(m)>hhb830 16/44.1 cds in 2003; cd>audacity +2.5>cdwave splits>tlh flac8
1514281985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16/48khz Source Info: Eddie Mook's Master Audience Cassettes; Nakamichi 100 mics + CP4 capsules > Sony D5 > Sony D6 Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
1514291985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac24/96 Source Info: Eddie Mook's Master Audience Cassettes; Nakamichi 100 mics + CP4 capsules > Sony D5 > Sony D6 Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
1530361985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16/44 This Source: Master AUDCA Maxell MX90 No NR [KH] Microphones: AKG C422 (Cardioid) > AKG S42 XY 90º 10 feet high Recorder: Sony TC-D5M| 2nd in line Location: OTS- 120' from stage ** [44:45 -45:10] Spliced 25 seconds end of space through first 10 seconds of GDTRFB from OADE Schoeps rig, KH master- info: Patch Source:Microphones: Schoeps 90º X-Y 10 feet high > Oade M118 Recorder: OADE Analog patchbay|1st Sony TC-D5M in line [KH] Location: OTS- 120' from stage (6 feet away from AKG stand) Transfer: Nakamichi 582ZX > Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Kenny Davis, Kyle Holbrook, Tom Pinney, Olvy Johnson, Mike Yacavone, Phil Schuman Transfer by: Kyle Holbrook Ninth AKG c422 GD recording made by the Executive Crew. Dedicated to Kenny Davis RIP
1530371985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac24/48 This Source: Master AUDCA Maxell MX90 No NR [KH] Microphones: AKG C422 (Cardioid) > AKG S42 XY 90º 10 feet high Recorder: Sony TC-D5M| 2nd in line Location: OTS- 120' from stage ** [44:45 -45:10] Spliced 25 seconds end of space through first 10 seconds of GDTRFB from OADE Schoeps rig, KH master- info: Patch Source:Microphones: Schoeps 90º X-Y 10 feet high > Oade M118 Recorder: OADE Analog patchbay|1st Sony TC-D5M in line [KH] Location: OTS- 120' from stage (6 feet away from AKG stand) Transfer: Nakamichi 582ZX > Sonic AD2k @24/48 > Marantz PMD661|24/48 SD Processing: SD| Audacity | cdwav editor | TLH | FLAC Recorded by: Executive Crew; Mike Davis, Kenny Davis, Kyle Holbrook, Tom Pinney, Olvy Johnson, Mike Yacavone, Phil Schuman Transfer by: Kyle Holbrook Ninth AKG c422 GD recording made by the Executive Crew. Dedicated to Kenny Davis RIP
1545511985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac16/48 Source Info: Michael Hessberg's Master Audience Cassettes; Sennheiser ME80 mics > Sony D5M Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
1545521985-08-31Manor DownsAustinTX
flac24/96 Source Info: Michael Hessberg's Master Audience Cassettes; Sennheiser ME80 mics > Sony D5M Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)> dBpoweramp (24/96) > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
Created At
Fri Oct 12 2018 19:55:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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