Symphony Centre, Chicago, IL

Set 1
One Set Only: Afro Blue > Seven Deadlies, Afrique, Thaw > Open Improv > Your Lady, Legalize It, Buster Rides Again > Hey Joe

Encore: I Wanna Ride You

Set 2

Set 3

Acoustic show

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
177412003-04-18Symphony CentreChicagoIL
shn; Source: Sony ECM-S930C under balcony > Sony DCR TRV-120 (Digital-8 Camcorder); Conversion: 1394 Transfer to PC > Processing in Vegas 4.0b (pop/click removal; removal of extra applause; volume reduction of some applause; EQ; Conversion from 16-bit/48KHz to 16-bit/44.1KHz) > SHN (mkwACT 0.96f); Taped and seeded by Yirm; d1t1,d2t2 beginnings cut
177422003-04-18Symphony CentreChicagoIL
FOB DPA 4022's (ortf) > Lunatec V3 @ 24-bit/48kHz > s/pdif to Sound Devices USBPre > laptop in 2nd ROW; Dithered & re-sampled to 16/44.1 in Sound Forge 6.0 > CDR; Recorded & transferred by Ben C.; CDR > SHN by Joe Perona
177432003-04-18Symphony CentreChicagoIL
shn; Source: unspecified remastering of previous seed, by Ross Carlson
262782003-04-18Symphony CentreChicagoIL
flac16; Source: SBE-fixed version of previous shn set, by Greg and Diana Hamilton
Created At
Fri Jun 18 2010 10:34:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jun 11 2003 12:37:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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