New York Dolls 1973-03-??
Planet Studios, New York, NY
Set 1
Seven Day Weekend (Pomus/Shuman)
Frankenstein (Johansen/Sylvain)
Who Are The Mystery Girls? (Johansen/Thunders)
Showdown (Gamble/Huff)
Back In The U.S.A. (Berry)
Endless Party (Johansen/Thunders)
Jet Boy (Johansen/Thunders)
It's Too Late (Johansen/Thunders)
Bad Detective (Lewis)
Lonely Planet Boy (Johansen/Thunders)
Subway Train (Johansen/Thunders)
Private World (Johansen/Kane)
Trash (Johansen/Sylvain)
Human Being (Johansen/Thunders)
Don't Start Me Talking (Williamson)
Hoochie Coochie Man (Dixon)
Great Big Kiss (Morton)
Vietnamese Baby (Johansen)
Babylon (Johansen/Thunders)
Frankenstein (Johansen/Sylvain)
Who Are The Mystery Girls? (Johansen/Thunders)
Showdown (Gamble/Huff)
Back In The U.S.A. (Berry)
Endless Party (Johansen/Thunders)
Jet Boy (Johansen/Thunders)
It's Too Late (Johansen/Thunders)
Bad Detective (Lewis)
Lonely Planet Boy (Johansen/Thunders)
Subway Train (Johansen/Thunders)
Private World (Johansen/Kane)
Trash (Johansen/Sylvain)
Human Being (Johansen/Thunders)
Don't Start Me Talking (Williamson)
Hoochie Coochie Man (Dixon)
Great Big Kiss (Morton)
Vietnamese Baby (Johansen)
Babylon (Johansen/Thunders)
Set 2
Set 3
These demos were recorded in March 1973 at Planet Studios in NYC with Paul Nelson producing. There were a total of 22 songs recorded in these sessions.
The missing songs are
Bad Girl
Personality Crisis
Johnny Thunders - guitar, vocals
David JoHansen - vocals, harmonica
Sylvain Sylvain - guitar, vocals
Arthur Harold Kane - bass
Jerry Nolan - drums
The missing songs are
Bad Girl
Personality Crisis
Johnny Thunders - guitar, vocals
David JoHansen - vocals, harmonica
Sylvain Sylvain - guitar, vocals
Arthur Harold Kane - bass
Jerry Nolan - drums
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
Created At
Wed Feb 03 2021 21:08:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Sep 18 2003 21:04:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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