Grateful Dead 1980-06-21
West High Auditorium, Anchorage, AK

Set 1
New Minglewood Blues
Me & My Uncle >
Big River
Lazy Lightning >
Far From Me
Ramble On Rose
Feel Like A Stranger

Set 2
Big Railroad Blues
Samson & Delilah
Terrapin Station >
Playing In The Band >
Drums >
Space >
Truckin' >
Stella Blue >
Sugar Magnolia
One More Saturday Night >
Brokedown Palace

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
892141980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16; Recorded by Mark Severson; 2 Nak 700s with bass eq mounted on pole> Sony TC-D5 (2 Maxell UD XL-IIs) Recorded from Row M, Seat 2, Right Center Floor Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches: Master played back on Nak Dragon> Grace Lunatec V3 (24/96)> Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe> Adobe Audition 2.0> (dither/downsample)> FLAC encoding
322281980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16; DTS-Audio-CD 5.1 Mix of SBD Cassette Master> Sonic Solutions (20bit) (shn id 27448) and AUD AKG 414 stereo mic -> Sony TC-158 deck (shn id 23531) note: info file now reflects tracking for 80 minutes CDs
744071980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16; Repatched fix of shn id 8639 - Master Soundboard Cassette > Reel To Reel > DAT> CDR by Bill Tetzeli. Note Added 11/9/08: Reflac version w/o replay gain added. See info file for details
284751980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac24; DVD-A 24/44 SBD+AUD Matrix Mix - 24 bit version of other Matrix source by Dan.
284701980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16; SBD/AUD Matrix Mix (60%-SBD/40%-AUD) SBD source: Soundboard > Cassette Master > Sonic Solutions (20bit) > Sony SBM2 > Master CD > EAC > FLAC (shn id 27448); AUD source: Source: AKG 414 stereo mic -> Sony TC-158 deck, Taper: Eddie Claridge (shn id 23531). SHNs were decoded to wave and SF 6.0 was used to reassemble the tracks back to 1 long wave. CEP2.0 was used to align & synch both of the sources. CEP2.0 used to adjust the volume for the SBD & AUD. This is a 60% SBD, 40% AUD mix. Mixed by note: info file now reflects tracking for 80 minutes CDs
274481980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac 16; Soundboard> Cassette Master> Sonic Solutions (20bit)> SBM2> Master CD> EAC> FLAC. Cassette Masters provided by Richard Hale, Transfer and patch by David Gans, FLAC and upload by Joe Samaritano
3211980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
SBD -> ?? -> DAT(2) -> CDR; transfer: Sony PCM-M1 -> coaxial SRC -> Marantz CDR630 ->? Astarte CD-Copy 2.0.3 -> AIFF -> SoundApp (WAVE) -> SHN; seed via J. Wise et al; transfer by Dan M.; d1t1, Random digi-noise/distortion for first 45 seconds; d1t6,? Major Splice is on Master; d2t3, 1st Verse is missing; see additional flaw note about d2t7 in pub comments; upgrade in circulation
86391980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
Sources:Primary Source:Master Soundboard Cassette > Reel To Reel > DAT> CDR; Secondary Source:Master Audience Cassette; AKG 414 mics source supplies the "Announcements/Intro", portions of "Sugaree", "Loser", "Big Railroad Blues" "Drums". Patching/CD Mastering & shn'ed by Scott Clugston; To fungus and abgd via Charlie Connor ; upgrade in circulation
235311980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
Source: Recorded by Eddie Claridge at the soundboard patched from Dan Healy. AKG 414 stereo mic -> Sony TC-158 deck Lineage: MAC > [DAT?] > CDR (no intermediate cassette generations) Encoding: EAC(secure) > Cool Edit Pro > CDWAV > shntool > mkwact > SHN(seekable) by Matt Vernon via John Gaetzi
275901980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
Bertha Remaster of Master Soundboard Cassette Source
1121501980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (FLAC > AIFF > Final Cut > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT)
1133021980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac16;Recording Info:SBD -> Cassette Master -> Sonic Solutions -> SBM-2 -> CD; Transfer Info:CD -> Adobe Audition v3.0 -> Samplitude Professional v11.2 -> FLAC; Cassette Masters Supplied by Richard Hale; Transferred to CD By David Gans; Additional Mastering By Charlie Miller
1449081980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac1648 Mark Severson's Master Audience Cassettes; Nakamichi 700 mics (mounted on pole, right center, Row M Seat 2) > Sony TC-D5 (Maxell XLII) Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi DR-1)> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > dBpoweramp 24/96 > Adobe Audition CC 2019 > TLH flac2496
1449091980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
flac24; Mark Severson's Master Audience Cassettes; Nakamichi 700 mics (mounted on pole, right center, Row M Seat 2) > Sony TC-D5 (Maxell XLII); Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi DR-1)> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > dBpoweramp 24/96 > Adobe Audition CC 2019 > TLH flac2496
1563981980-06-21West High AuditoriumAnchorageAK
Matrix Created In Adobe Audition By Joe Noel Source 1; 144908 Source Info: Mark Severson's Master (fob) Audience Cassettes; Nakamichi 700 Mics (mounted On Pole 25' From Stage, Right Side, Row M Seat 2) > Sony Tc-d5 (maxell Xlii) Source 2; 113302 Recording Info: Sbd > Cassette Master > Sonic Solutions > Sbm-2 > Cd
Created At
Fri Jun 21 2019 11:09:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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