Grateful Dead 1980-05-08
Glens Falls Civic Center, Glens Falls, NY

Set 1
Alabama Getaway >
Promised Land
Friend Of The Devil
Mama Tried >
Mexicali Blues
High Time
Lazy Lightning >
Ramble On Rose
Lost Sailor >
Saint Of Circumstance

Set 2
Uncle John's Band >
Estimated Prophet >
Eyes Of The World >
Drums >
Space >
Truckin' >
Stella Blue >
Around & Around >
Johnny B. Goode

U.S. Blues

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
824341980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac16; Master SDB Cassette > Cassette > DAT > CDR. Playback: CDR > Classic Portable CD Player > Panasonic EQ > Tascam CDRW 5000 Stand Alone CD Burner > CDR > increased the volume to acceptable levels and did some other tweaking > Flac frontend > flac; unknown relation to prior patched sbd in circulation
1002431980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac16; Source: (FOB) Sony ECM-990 stereo mic > Cassette Master (Marantz Superscope CD320 Maxell UDXLI);Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Korg MR-1000 (1-bit 5.6MHz) >Audiogate 1-bit 5.6MHz > 16-bit 44.1KHz) > cdwav (edits); Recorded from Section 103, Row P, Seat 14 by Bob Morris with thanks to Sam R and Charlie Connor
1004011980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac16; Recording Info: (3) Nakamichi CM700 Shotguns -> Namakmichi 550 -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Maxell UDXLII-C90/Dolby B); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1/Dolby B) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.21 -> FLAC/16; Recorded By Jim Wise; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
75381980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
Master Soundboard Cassette > Cassette > DAT> CDR; via Scott Clugston; patched upgrade in circulation
150341980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
Master Soundboard Cassette > Cassette > DAT> CDR (Primary Source) patched with the Jim Wise audience source: Recorded by Jim Wise (via Jeff Hellman), 2 Nak 700s + Nak 300 blend>Sony TC-D5: AUD>MC>DAT>CDR>EAC>mkwACT>SHN; Patched by R.Carman
131891980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
Updated lineage: Recording by Jim Wise: 3 nak 700's with cpu capsules at the sbd >Nak 550 taped by Jim Wise via Raoul Duke and the Miami SHN Machine
1190611980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac24; Recorded by Jim Wise; 2 Nakamichi CM-700s with shotguns> Sony D-5; Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches: Master played back on Nakamichi Dragon> Korg MR-1000(DSF [1-bit 5.6448 MHz Stereo]) Korg AudioGate > WAV [24/96] > Adobe Audition 3.0> FLAC encoding
1200931980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac16; 3-Nak 700 Shotguns > Superscope CD-320 > Sound Devices 722 - 24/96 > Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 > CD Wave > Flac 16; Recorded by David Dyche
1528031980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac16/48 Source Info: Rob Eaton's Master Audience Cassettes; (2)Sennheiser 441 mics (Left + Right) + (1) Sennheiser 421 mic (Center) blend > Nakamichi 550 Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi Dragon)> Pro Tools 12 > .wav 2496 > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
1528041980-05-08Glens Falls Civic CenterGlens FallsNY
flac24/96 Source Info: Rob Eaton's Master Audience Cassettes; (2)Sennheiser 441 mics (Left + Right) + (1) Sennheiser 421 mic (Center) blend > Nakamichi 550 Transfer Info: Master Cassettes (Nakamichi Dragon)> Pro Tools 12 > .wav 2496 > Adobe Audition CC 2020 > TLH flac2496
Created At
Sat Nov 17 2018 16:11:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jul 04 2002 18:54:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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