ShenaniganÂ’s, Norwalk, CT

Set 1
Disk 1 Set 1 (all)
1. Superfly Phaddy Fat* >
2. Jam >
3. Sundance
4. Night Of The Thumpasorus Peoples >
5. Fairy >
6. Tribal Funk Affliction
Disk 2 set 1 cont (all)
1. In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed**
2. Rufus >
3. Echidna's Arf (Of You) >
4. The Chase

Set 2

Set 3

* no intro.
** with Drum Solo

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Soundboard Matrix by matt vallo and dave p 1. Soundboard (mono) -> Behringer MX802A. 2. AKG 480/ck63 > Behringer MX802A > digi001 front of stage X-Y; mic were a few feet off center (stage left). Transfer: Tascam DA-302 > Turtle Beach Fiji (S/PDIF) > Sound Forge 4.5 > Cdwave > SHN
Created At
Tue Nov 12 2002 22:29:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Nov 12 2002 22:29:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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