Ratdog 1998-03-31
Scranton Cultural Center, Scranton, PA

Set 1
Minglewood Blues > Easy Answers, Josephine > Fever > Josephine, Trouble In Mind, El Paso, Victim Or The Crime, Good Morning Little Schoolgirl, I Know You Rider, Estimated Prophet > The Other One > Bass Solo > Drums > Jam > China Cat Sunflower > Corrina > Lovelight, E: Johnny B. Goode*

Set 2

Set 3

*with Scranton Mayor Jimmy Connors; venue used to be the Masonic Temple.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
948561998-03-31Scranton Cultural CenterScrantonPA
Source: aud > Nakamichi 300 shotguns > Sony WM-D6 > 2 x Maxell XL II 90; Taped by John Bleich from the balcony, near centre and around 30-40 yards from the stage; Transfer: mac > Nakamichi BX-125E > EMU 0202 > Wavelab > wav (24/96)
1375491998-03-31Scranton Cultural CenterScrantonPA
Source:Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP4 Shotguns>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck>Sony WM-D6C Cassette Deck(Maxell XL-II-S And TDK SA-X 90 Minute Cassettes)>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck(Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>CD Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper> Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker,FOB Approximately 50 Feet From Stage.
1664411998-03-31Scranton Cultural CenterScrantonPA
Marantz PMD 430 Cassette Master Sony TC D7 -> Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP4 Shotguns cassette provided by: boeditaper
transfer: master cassettes -> Onkyo TA 2051 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWave -> TLH (flac)
digital transfer/edit by mossa 2023-09 (24-96)
Created At
Fri Oct 25 2002 14:21:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Oct 25 2002 14:21:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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