Grateful Dead 1979-05-05
Baltimore Civic Center, Baltimore, MD

Set 1
Jack Straw
El Paso
Friend Of The Devil
It's All Over Now
Tennessee Jed
Dancing In The Street

Set 2
Scarlet Begonias >
Fire On The Mountain
Samson & Delilah
He's Gone >
Drums >
Space >
The Other One >
Wharf Rat >
Sugar Magnolia
One More Saturday Night

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
890561979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
flac16; Recording by Joani Walker: Sony ECM-250 -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-158/Maxell UDXL-II90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC/16 All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
787481979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
flac16; Pitch and tempo adjusted version of soundboard shn id 34577 by fishmanj using Cool Edit 2000 and Adobe Audition correcting speed by 3%
188711979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
Recording by Barry Glassberg: Nak CM700, Sony 158SD. A:D conversion by John Steinthal via Mark Cohen, encoded by Matt Vernon
123771979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
presumed to be:SBD:MC>Cas>DAT>CD via Jools from GANS GDH Disc : upgrade now in circulation.
345571979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC: upgrade now in circulation.
1230011979-05-05Baltimore Civic CenterBaltimoreMD
flac16; Matrix with Soundboard (shnid:78748): Original Miller FLACs>WAV>Cool Edit 2k (using Pitch->Stretch functions correcting speed by 3%. Used Glassberg audience as baseline)>FLAC and Audience (shnid:89056): Recording Info: Sony ECM-250 -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-158/Maxell UDXL-II90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC/16
Created At
Mon Feb 18 2019 13:00:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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