Grateful Dead 1977-05-15
The Arena, St. Louis, MO

Set 1
Bertha >
Good Lovin'
Row Jimmy
New Minglewood Blues
Tennessee Jed
Lazy Lightning >
Finiculi Finicula
Brown Eyed Women
Dancing In The Street

Set 2
Estimated Prophet >
Eyes Of The World >
Drums >
Samson & Delilah
Ship Of Fools
Saint Stephen >
Iko Iko >
Not Fade Away >
Sugar Magnolia

Uncle John's Band

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Keith Godchaux - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums
Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
919111977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac16; Matrix, Sources: 1) Bertha Remaster of the Master Reel source sbd > mr > dat > wav > flac > daw(Bertha) > wav (24/48) > audio dvd > dvd audio ripper > wav > adobe audtion > flac, and 2) Master audience cassette> cassette Recording by Steve Maizner: Sony mic> Sony TC-153; Master played back on Sony TC-153> Awia 760? Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches: 1st Generation cassette played back on Nak Dragon> Grace Lunatec V3 (24/96)> Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe> Adobe Audition> (dither/downsample)> FLAC encoding Matrixed by SIRMick May 2008
289161977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7 inch reels @ 7.5ips 1/2trk) -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller
316051977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac24/48; Bertha Remaster of the Master Reel source source: sbd > mr > dat > wav > flac > daw(Bertha) > wav > audio dvd > dvd audio ripper > wav > adobe audtion > flac Notes: This is a straight rip from the DVD. The flac files have been encoded at 24 bit/48,000 KHz and CANNOT be burned as an audio cd Original Notes with DVD: Digitally remastered using a custom built, Dual-DAW, nicknamed Bertha, by Completed on April 16, 2005. Although the sound of the original source is very good, the mix is a bit of a kick mix and the low bass was not able to be brought up without having an obtrusively thumping kick. Some compenstation was made in the mid bass frequencies which resulted in a nice balance between the bass and the kick. From the original text file, prior to Bertha Remastering: Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7 inch reels @ 7.5ips 1/2trk) -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony D8) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller 4/11/05 Thanks to RjHythloday for making the DVD available. SIRMICK November 2005
847141977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac16; Master audience cassette> cassette Recording by Steve Maizner: Sony mic> Sony TC-153; Master played back on Sony TC-153> Awia 760? Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches: 1st Generation cassette played back on Nak Dragon> Grace Lunatec V3 (24/96)> Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe> Adobe Audition> (dither/downsample)> FLAC encoding
990991977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac16; source: aud 1st gen reel taped by Steve Maizner on a sony tc-153 lineage: mac>10.5" reels @ 7.5 ips, dolby b technics rs-1506>teac an-180>hd-p2 24/48>cd wave>adobe 16/44>flac
990981977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac24; source: aud 1st gen reel taped by Steve Maizner on a sony tc-153 lineage: mac>10.5" reels @ 7.5 ips, dolby b technics rs-1506>teac an-180>hd-p2 24/48>cd wave>flac
70081977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
Sbd MR > ? > CDR > EAC (calibrated, secure mode, test and copy) > SHN; EAC, SHN extraction and etree seeding done by G. Gorinsky; with thanks to Kevin Gills; Lazy lightning beginning cut; upgrade in circulation
183331977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
SBD MR>??>CDR; different text file and md5s than the other circulating SBD MR>??>CDR; upgrade in circulation
1646071977-05-15The ArenaSt. LouisMO
flac1644 Keith Gatto's Master (FOB) Audience Cassettes; Sony Stereo mic > Sony TC-158 > PCM (x1) > Tim McKenzies' DAT (x1)(TDK DA-R) Transfer Info: DAT (Sony PCM-M1) > Sony 7-pin/Oade digi I/O> Hosa DRA-501 coaxial cable> Tascam CD-RW750 CD
Created At
Mon Dec 24 2018 23:24:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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