Grateful Dead 1977-05-08
Barton Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Set 1
New Minglewood Blues
El Paso
They Love Each Other
Jack Straw
Lazy Lightning >
Brown Eyed Women
Mama Tried
Row Jimmy
Dancing In The Street

Set 2
Scarlet Begonias >
Fire On The Mountain
Estimated Prophet
Saint Stephen >
Not Fade Away >
Saint Stephen >
Morning Dew

One More Saturday Night

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Keith Godchaux - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums
Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
874861977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; Set 1 only; partial SBD (1st part of Set 1 Only) Lineage unknown, possibly RR > CD (unknown transfer) > EAC > SHN Originally posted as shn files to abgd-hs by ArtCube 2007-09-26 (The patch in Minglewood is from material performed on 5-7 and Lazy Lightning from 5-25.) Converted to flac by terrapinstation
350861977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24/96; SBD+AUD1+AUD2 Matrix Mix (60%-SBD/20%-AUD1/20%-AUD2)
293031977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; Handheld Shure 57's,10 Feet From Stage,DFC>TC152>MC MC>CDR>EAC>WAV>FLAC Recording And Transfer:Jeff Stevenson
307561977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16, DTS; complete show; combination of SBD with 2 AUD sources (see notes in txt)
972741977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; SBD (shnid=4982) and AUD (shnid=29303 Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC); Fixed version in circulation
295111977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
Source Info: "3 Source Matrix Mix, SBD + AUD1 + AUD2"
2661977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
w/AUD splices? to patch reel flips: Betty Board Soundboard sections (all but 47 seconds of the show): 7" two track BBD reel encoded w/ DBX-1 noise reduction @ 7 1/2 ips > Sony PCM501ES @ 44.055 kHz.; Sony PCM501ES analog out > DBX-1 decoder > analog in PCM501ES;? PCM501ES analog out > Fostex D5 @ 48 kHz >ZA2>CD; Audience Splices -- Panasonic AM/FM Stereo 'boom box' (w/condenser mics) >? CM (Cassette Masters) > various equalizers & editors > CD (teddy goodbear); EAC extracted and encoded by Darrin Sacks; note number of tracks on discs: 10-7-8; note SBD portion is clear, AUD portion is muddy; reportedly digital error-free; 5/01 note: fixed shn set now in circulation; upgrade in circulation
49821977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
freshly remastered Betty Board with AUD splices, by Rob Eaton; see info file for extensive notes and credits; etreed by Darrin
50021977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
Lineage: -- Steve Maizner's Sony ECM-990>Sony TC-152 aud master>First Gen Reel>played directly to hard drive by Karen Hicks
268561977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
DTS Audio 5.1: SBD (Betty Board) > Master 7" Nagra reels 1/2 track @ 7.5ips > Sony PCM501. Playback on Sony PCM 701>DAT (Digital Transfer) -- Rob Eaton DBX Decoding (Spring '99) Playback on Panasonic 4100 DAT > DB 924 D/A > Dolby 361's w/dbx K9-22 Cards > DB 124 A/D > Neve Capricorn (Digital mixing console) > DB 300S > Panasonic 4100 DAT> DAT> Digi Coax Cable > Tascam CD-RW700 > CDR (x1) > SHN (Rob Eaton remaster) AUD (Steve Maizner) > Sony ECM-990 > Sony TC-152 aud master > First Gen Reel > Played directly to hard drive > CDR > SHN; see pub comments re additional reflac version
268571977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
Matrix based on these sources: Source Info SBD (Betty Board) > Master 7" Nagra reels 1/2 track @ 7.5ips > Sony PCM501. Playback on Sony PCM 701>DAT (Digital Transfer) -- Rob Eaton DBX Decoding (Spring '99) Playback on Panasonic 4100 DAT > DB 924 D/A > Dolby 361's w/dbx K9-22 Cards > DB 124 A/D > Neve Capricorn (Digital mixing console) > DB 300S > Panasonic 4100 DAT>DAT>Digi Coax Cable > Tascam CD-RW700 > CDR (x1) > SHN (Rob Eaton remaster) AUD (Steve Maizner) > Sony ECM-990 > Sony TC-152 aud master > First Gen Reel > Played directly to hard drive > CDR > SHN
283011977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
MAC> R> CD; recorded by Jerry Moore: Sony 153 master, w/ ECM 33P's, on Maxell UDXL-II's, Dolby B, copied via Teac AN-180 Dolby box onto Sony TC 755, Scotch Classic 10.5 inch reel, 7.5 ips, Dolby B ; Transfer by Rob Berger: Sony TC 850> Teac AN-180> Sony SBM1 super bit mapper> Tascam CD-Rw4U (see additional source notes in txt); EAC> WAV> SHN by Sean Cribbs
283541977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; MAC> R> CD Audience Recording by Jerry Moore; seeded by clarson; possibly different source CDR> DAE compared to similar-looking shn set; upgrade in circulation
1114931977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC); this source fixes a flaw in d1t08 from source ID 97274
1170261977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; source: aud taped by Jerry Moore; 1)cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, 2)Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above) 3)The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master; lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b>aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels; transfer: technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac; encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac; new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011; mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller
1170271977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24; source: aud taped by Jerry Moore; 1)cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, 2)Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above); 3)The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master; lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b>aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels; transfer: technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac; new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011; mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller
1340931977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24; source: aud cassette master; taped by Jim Cooper; sony ecm22p > hitachi trq232; nakamichi dragon > benchmark ADC1 24/96 > tascam hd-p2, compact flash > mac > adobe audition CC > xACT flac; transferred and seeded by Rob Berger
1375691977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24; 3 Source Matrix by Dusborne; Soundboard (shnid:4982) Betty Board Portion -- Master 7" Nagra reels 1/2 track @ 7.5ips>Sony PCM 501. Playback on Sony PCM 701>DAT (Digital Transfer) -- Rob Eaton DBX Decoding (Spring '99) Playback on Panasonic 4100 DAT>DB 924 D/A>Dolby 361's w/dbx K9-22 Cards>DB 124 A/D>Neve Capricorn (Digital mixing console)>DB 300S>Panasonic 4100 DAT>DAT>Digi Coax Cable>Tascam CD-RW 700>CDR (x1)>SHN (Rob Eaton remaster); Audience 1 (shnid:117027)source: aud taped by Jerry Moore a) cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, b) Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above) b) The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master and has only been included in previous seeds from the 1st gen reel, lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b> aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels transfer:technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011,mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller; Audience 2 (shnid:29303)Handheld Shure 57's,10 Feet From Stage,DFC>TC152>MC,MC>CDR>EAC>WAV>FLAC,Recording And Transfer:Jeff Stevenson
1375701977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; 3 Source Matrix by Dusborne; Soundboard (shnid:4982) Betty Board Portion -- Master 7" Nagra reels 1/2 track @ 7.5ips>Sony PCM 501. Playback on Sony PCM 701>DAT (Digital Transfer) -- Rob Eaton DBX Decoding (Spring '99) Playback on Panasonic 4100 DAT>DB 924 D/A>Dolby 361's w/dbx K9-22 Cards>DB 124 A/D>Neve Capricorn (Digital mixing console)>DB 300S>Panasonic 4100 DAT>DAT>Digi Coax Cable>Tascam CD-RW 700>CDR (x1)>SHN (Rob Eaton remaster);Audience 1 (shnid:117027) source: aud taped by Jerry Moore a)cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, b)Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above) b)The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master and has only been included in previous seeds from the 1st gen reel, lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b> aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels transfer:technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011,mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller; Audience 2 (shnid:29303) Handheld Shure 57's,10 Feet From Stage,DFC>TC152>MC,MC>CDR>EAC>WAV>FLAC, Recording And Transfer:Jeff Stevenson
1375711977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24; 2 Source Matrix by Dusborne; Audience 1 (shnid:117027) source: aud taped by Jerry Moore a)cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, b)Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above) b)The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master and has only been included in previous seeds from the 1st gen reel, lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b> aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels transfer:technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011,mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller Audience 2 (shnid:29303) Handheld Shure 57's,10 Feet From Stage,DFC>TC152>MC; MC>CDR>EAC>WAV>FLAC,Recording And Transfer: Jeff Stevenson
1375721977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac16; 2 Source Matrix by Dusborne; Audience 1 (shnid:117027) source: aud taped by Jerry Moore a)cassette master>10.5" reel @ 7.5 ips, dolby b provides a majority of the show, b)Scarlet>Fire provided by cassette master patched from same rig>JM's cassette>reel (as above) b)The One More Sat Nite encore is from the newly discovered original cassette master and has only been included in previous seeds from the 1st gen reel, lineage for source 1 (with exceptions noted above): aud cassette master: sony ecm 33p's>sony tc-153, maxell udxLII90's/dolby b> aud 1st gen: made on Sony TC-755 w/Teac an-180 dolby unit, Scotch Classic 10.5" reels transfer:technics rs-1506 open reel>teac an-180 dolby b unit>tascam hd-p2 24/96>flac encore: nak dragon>tascam hd-p2 24/96>pc>flac new transfers by Rob Berger spring 2011, mastering, pitch correction, and seeded by Charlie Miller Audience 2 (shnid:29303) Handheld Shure 57's,10 Feet From Stage,DFC>TC152>MC MC>CDR>EAC>WAV>FLAC,Recording And Transfer:Jeff Stevenson
1487371977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac24; Source: Betty Cantor's SBD Reel Master > PCM (undecoded) > DAT via spdif/Sony PCM601esd > wav file via spdif/RME multiface > Wave 24/48 (decoded) > Myteck Stereo DAC96 > DBX150X > Korg MR2000 > WAV 24/48; Edited & Mastered by Joe Noel; WAV > Abobe Audition > Flac 24/48
1523791977-05-08Barton Hall, Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
flac2448; Source: Mono Sony hand-held recorder (model unknown) > Maxell-LN Set 1 & Maxell-UD Set 2 (normal bias). Recording by Rich Petrunis. Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi CR-5A > Edirol FA-66 > Wavelab 2448 > CD-Wave (24bit output) > TLH > FLAC 2448 tagged. Transferred by Andrew F. 04/2021
Created At
Sun May 09 2021 09:35:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Nov 20 2001 17:22:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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