Wayne Horvitz zonymash2002-07-05.tlm170.flac16
2002-07-05 High Sierra Music Hall, High Sierra Music Festival

Wayne Horvitz Live at High Sierra Music Hall, High Sierra Music Festival on 2002-07-05

Zony Mash 1. Stompin' At The Cranium (cuts in) 2. Let's Get Mashed 3. In The Lounge 4. banter - band intros 5. Whip It 6. Sex Fiend 7. banter - opening for MMW 8. Spice Rack 9. thanks

Files (download all files)
zonymash2002-07-05.txt (download)
zonymash2002-07-05.tlm170.flac16.md5 (download)
zonymash2002-07-05.md5 (download)
zonymash2002-07-05.tlm170.flac16.ffp (download)