Zero zero.2007-01-18.aud-vm44
2007-01-18 Cervantes' Masterpiece Ballroom

Zero Live at Cervantes' Masterpiece Ballroom on 2007-01-18

Source 82342
fob/dfc/XY: Milab VM44-Link> Lunatec V3 (16/44/optical)> iRiver H120> CoolEdit> CDWav> FLAC frontend

Set 1: tuning jam > Anorexia Tangled Hangers Watching the River Flow Ermaline Horses Merle's Boogie Set 2: tuning Nancy Germany Many Rivers to Cross Sun Sun Sun Like a Rolling Stone > Just My Imagination > Rolling Stone Listen Here > That's What Love Will Make You Do

Files (download all files)
zero2007-01-18-ffp.txt (download)
zero2007-01-18.txt (download)