Mountain Goats tmg2018-09-14
2018-09-14 Washington's

Mountain Goats Live at Washington's on 2018-09-14

Order Song Album 1 " High Hawk Season " All Eternals Deck 2 " Moon Over Goldsboro " Get Lonely 3 " 1 Samuel 15:23 " The Life of the World to Come 4 " Lovecraft in Brooklyn " Heretic Pride 5 " Autoclave " Heretic Pride 6 " Southwood Plantation Road " Tallahassee 7 " Song for Black Sabbath's Second North American Tour " Unreleased 8 " Soft Targets " Bedside Recordings Vol. 1.2 9 " Wear Black " Goths 10 " Lakeside View Apartments Suite " Transcendental Youth 11 " We Do It Different on the West Coast " Goths 12 " You or Your Memory " The Sunset Tree 13 " Foreign Object " Beat the Champ 14 " Stabbed to Death Outside San Juan " Beat the Champ 15 " Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod " The Sunset Tree 16 " Amy AKA Spent Gladiator 1 " Transcendental Youth 17 " Game Shows Touch Our Lives " Tallahassee 18 " This Year " The Sunset Tree 19 " No Children " Tallahassee 20 " The Diaz Brothers " Transcendental Youth 21 " Up the Wolves " The Sunset Tree 22 " Spent Gladiator 2 " Transcendental Youth