Mountain Goats tmg2017-06-05.AUD
2017-06-05 Showbox, Seattle Washington

Mountain Goats Live at Showbox, Seattle Washington on 2017-06-05

The Mountain Goats 2017-06-05 Showbox, Seattle Washington Full Band 1. Rain in Soho 2. Andrew Eldritch is Moving Back to Leeds 3. In the Craters on the Moon 4. Harlem Roulette 5. Wear Black 6. Unicorn Tolerance John Solo 7. Crazy on You # 8. It Froze Me 9. Improv 10. Grendel's Mother John & Matt 11. Steal Smoked Fish Full Band 12. San Bernardino 13. Shelved 14 The Diaz Brothers 15. The Young Thousands 16. Game Shows Touch Our Lives 17. Up the Wolves 18. We Do It Different on the West Coast 19. Love Love Love 20. This Year 21. Spend Gladiator 2 22. Paid in Cocaine 23. No Children 24. Heel Turn 2 #Heart Cover Recorded by Tungol Mastered by Roffels Tascam IM2 -> Apple 30-pin to lightning adapter -> iPhone 5s -> Tascam PCM recorder MKII v1.0.0 WAV- Izotope (loudness) - Audacity (midside decode mixed in with original recording, track cuts)

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