Toubab Krewe tk2006-09-01.flac
2006-09-01 moe.down Beer Tent

Toubab Krewe Live at moe.down Beer Tent on 2006-09-01

Source 111223
Source: oktava mk-012>ua-5 @ 44.1>optical cable>jb3
Location: 25' from stage/dfc/ortf @ 9' (Sets 1-3); Stage Lip/ortf @ 5' (Set 4)
Transfer: xfer jb3>cool edit pro-normalize/fades>cdwave>flac frontend-level 8> DVDR> xACT> WAV> Fission 1.6.10> xACT (flac level 6)

Source: oktava mk-012>ua-5 @ 44.1>optical cable>jb3 Location: 25' from stage/dfc/ortf @ 9' (Sets 1-3); Stage Lip/ortf @ 5' (Set 4) Taped by Kevin Kistler; Transferred by Patrick Moore -Set One- Malawi Wassoulou Asheville to Abijian Roy Forrester Bamana Niya -Set Two- Hang Tan Bani Songrai Fato Chasse -Set Three- Lamine's Tune Autorail ?? Rooster Roy Forrester Moose -Set Four- Touromaka Diggi Bamana Niya ?? Zaouli E: Buncombe To Badala//

Files (download all files)
toubabkrewe2006-09-01.txt (download)
nma2006-04-08.txt (download)
tk2006-09-01.flac.ffp (download)
tk2006-09-01.flac.md5 (download)
toubabkrewe2006-09-01.ffp.txt (download)