The Gourds thegourds2008-08-03.galaxybarnstage-matrix.flac16
2008-08-03 Pickathon - Pendarvis Farm - Galaxy Barn Stage
The Gourds Live at Pickathon - Pendarvis Farm - Galaxy Barn Stage on 2008-08-03
The Gourds Pickathon Roots Music Festival Pendarvis Farm Galaxy Barn Stage Happy Valley, Oregon 2008-08-03 RECORDIST: Stan Orlowski (stano59AThotmailDOTcom) SOURCE: POST MATRIX #1 MBHO603/KA200n ~>Grace Design Lunatec V3~>Sound Devices 744t. #2 Soundboard~>Sound Devices 744t. MICROPHONE LOCATION: hung in front of band on stage, DFC, 6 feet high approx, aimed downwards MICROPHONE CONFIGURATION: A/B RECORDED FORMAT: 24 bit, 48 kHz CONVERSION: Sound Devices 744t~>firewire~>DVD. EDITING: Samplitude 7.02 (sources mixed to stereo. Approx. 60% mics, 40% board, normalization applied) DOWNSAMPLE: Soundforge 6.0 (downsampled with anti alias filter and interpolation accuracy on high) DITHER: Soundforge 6.0 (dithered with IZotope Ozone 3 MBIT+ algorythym plugin with ultra noise shaping and normal dither) FINAL FORMAT: 16 bit, 44.1 kHz TRACKING: CDwave 1.93.3 COMPRESSION: Traders Little Helper 2.0.1 flac (level 6) SBE VERIFICATION: Traders Little Helper 2.0.1 Please do not buy/sell this recording or trade in lossy formats. Thanks. total time: [80:56] 01 Intro, [1:14] 02 Promised Land, [4:56] 03 LGO, [2:46] 04 Ain't No More Cane, [5:30] 05 Pair Of Goats, [3:20] 06 Poke Salad Annie, [8:15] 07 Do For You, [8:16] 08 Trampled By The Sun, [2:13] 09 Pancho & Lefty, [4:09] 10 Right In The Head, [2:57] 11 Country Gal, [7:25] 12 Tearbox, [3:14] 13 Shreveport, [5:36] 14 Ladies Choice, [2:49] 15 Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way, [13:31] 16 E: Jorge, [4:47] Kevin Russell: vocals, mandolin, guitar Claude Bernard: accordion, organ, guitar Jimmy Smith: vocals, guitar, percussion, bass, water bowl Keith Langford: drums, harmonica, washboard, toy guitar Max Johnston: banjo, fiddle, guitar, vocals Support the artists by seeing them live and buying their official merchandise. Visit:
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thegourds2008-08-03-galaxybarnstage-matrix.flac16.shntool.txt (download) |
thegourds2008-08-03-galaxybarnstage-matrix.flac16-info.txt (download) |