The Bridge thebridge2010-09-25.akg463s.naiant.flac24
2010-09-25 Harbor East Fall Harvest Festival

The Bridge Live at Harbor East Fall Harvest Festival on 2010-09-25

The Bridge September 25th, 2010 Harbor East Fall Harvest Festival Baltimore, MD Taper: Timothy Brown ( Source: AKG C460Bs/CK 63-ULS (DINa, DFC, FOB, On stand ~7',70Hz roll off)->Kind Kables->Naiant LittleBox->Segue Dogstar Silver-Clad Interconnect->Edirol R-09HR (24 bit/96 kHz) Transfer: SDHC -> PC Processing: Fade in and fade out applied using SoundForge 8.0. Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting and Flac24 Conversion @ level 8 Tagging: Band name, Venue and Song Title in Foobar2000 ***************************************************************** ********* PLEASE SPREAD, BUT PLEASE INCLUDE SOURCE INFO ********* ********THIS IS A 24 BIT FILE SET NOT INTENDED FOR CDR*********** ***************A 16 BIT FILE SET FOR CDR EXISTS****************** ****** DO NOT SELL OR DISTRIBUTE FOR A PROFIT BY ANY MEANS ****** ***************************************************************** 01. Shake Em Down 02. Old White Lightning '95 03. In Dreams 04. New Mistake 05. Rosie 06. Sanctuary 07. Bury My Bones in Baltimore 08. I'm a Ram 09. 14 Days 10. Ballad of Clear Rock 11. Easy Jane -> 12. Sailin' Shoes 13. Chavez 14. Steamroller 15. Big Wheel 16. Station Blues 17. Rising Sun 18. Spill Over 19. People Say Notes: Shout outs to Erin, Andi, Roy, Tom, Bill, Maia, Aaron, Jane, Ken, Kiva, Hilary, Keith & Amy! Great seeing everyone out! There were numerous sound issues throughout the show. For the beginning of the set the PA volume was extremely loud, later in the set it was turned way down. I've compensated for these changes as best I could. There were a few direct hits to the mic stand, all of which were audibly erased. ***************************************** ****Please support artists and venues**** ************that allow taping************ *****************************************

Files (download all files)
thebridge2010-09-25.akg463s.naiant.flac24.md5 (download)
thebridge2010-09-25.akg463s.naiant.flac24.ffp (download)
thebridge2010-09-24.akg463s.naiant.flac24.txt (download)