The Grass Is Dead tgid2022-04-07
2022-04-07 String Break Festival; Sertoma Youth Ranch (Brooksville, FL)

The Grass Is Dead Live at String Break Festival; Sertoma Youth Ranch (Brooksville, FL) on 2022-04-07

Grass Is Dead 04/07/22 String Break Festival; Sertoma Youth Ranch (Brooksville, FL) SBD + Schoeps MK4's(fob,dfc,din)~>KCY~>NBox Platinum + AKG C414B-XLII's(fob,dfc,omnis split 3')~>Sound Devices MixPre 10II (recorded at 32 bit float/48Khz) wav~>Audacity(align,normalize,mix & render)~>CD Wave Editor(track & flac) Taped & Transferred by Jamie Burks

Files (download all files)
2022-04-07 Grass Is Dead.txt (download)