Tea Leaf Green tealeafgreen2007-04-13
2007-04-13 Olympic Village Lodge

Tea Leaf Green Live at Olympic Village Lodge on 2007-04-13

I Ride GII Reason Baseball> Looney Bin Let Us Go Jezebel> Country Seduction Criminal Intent> Jackson Hole!! (spontaneous, faster version) GIII II Asphalt Rapture Hot Dog (with siiick blues/guitar jam to start) Devil's Pay Biscuits Georgie P Cops Took My Weed Miss May's (Back to New Orleans) Don't Curse the Night > Sex E Emma Lee > Franz * *With Jordan Feinstein of The Ritual, Dan Lebowitz Group on keys

Files (download all files)
tlg2007-04-13S1.ffp (download)
tlg2007-04-13.txt (download)
tlg2007-04-13S2.ffp (download)