Tim Bluhm tbb2019-04-05
2019-04-05 Chico Womens Club

Tim Bluhm Live at Chico Womens Club on 2019-04-05

Tim Bluhm Band 04-05-19 Chico Women’s Club Chico, CA Source: Neumann KM184s + soundboard feed > Tascam DR 680 6-track > Adobe Audition > FLAC Recorded, transferred & tracked by Kyle Porter 01. Introduction 02. Sorta Surviving 03. Harness Makers Song 04. The Bad Always Wins 05. Jimmy West 06. Jesus Save A Singer 07. Guajolote Frio 08. Unsafe/Unsorry 09. Where I Parked My Mind 10. A Second Chance 11. Tierra Dievers 12. No Way To Steer 13. Raining Gravel 14. Squeaky Wheel 15. Yours On Me, Mine On You 16. Wall Of Early Morning Light 17. Dell Rio Dan ^ 18. Clean Me Up 19. Kern River # 20. The Only Solution # Merle Haggard ^ Everly Bros. Tim Bluhm - acoustic guitar, organ, vocals James Deprato - lead guitar Josh Yenne - pedal steel/backing vocals Dom Billet - drums/backing vocals Nick Bearden - bass

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tbb2019-04-05.ffp (download)