Tim Bluhm tb2006-09-07
2006-09-07 Little Fox Theater
Tim Bluhm Live at Little Fox Theater on 2006-09-07
Tim Bluhm September 7th, 2006 Little Fox Theatre Redwood City, California Source: Soundboard > Mac Powerbook > Western Digital Portable HD > Dell Dimension DXP061 > Master .WAV > Cool Edit Pro v1.2a > CD Wave Editor v1.95.1 > Roxio 6 > Samsung TS-H552L > CD Master > EAC v0.99pb4 > FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 > FLAC Recorded By: Alec VanderWoude Transferred & Encoded By: Cheese Cadet Audio uploaded to archive.org by John Chapman 01. Intro 02. Dear Wild Animal 03. Tear It Down 04. Shiny Leather Shoes 05. Going Home Again 06. Tell Me Why 07. Rose * 08. Hell Is The Highway * 09. Bird On A Wire * 10. Danny's Song * 11. Time-Sick Son Of A Grizzly Bear -> 12. Impatience/Change Encore: 13. Harnessmaker's Song * = w/ Nicki Chambly (Bluhm) Notes: - Opened For Hot Buttered Rum
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