Mountain Goats tMG1995-04-22
1995-04-22 Fast Forward II, Doornroosje, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Mountain Goats Live at Fast Forward II, Doornroosje, Nijmegen, Netherlands on 1995-04-22

John and Rachel play a set at the second Fast Forward festival in April of 1995. Order Song Album 1 " One Fine Day " (The Chiffons) Unreleased 2 " Downtown Seoul " Sweden 3 " Going to Jamaica " Taking the Dative / Ghana 4 " Going to Georgia " Zopilote Machine 5 " The Recognition Scene " Sweden 6 " Going to Palestine " Unreleased 7 " Song for Cleomenes " Beautiful Rat Sunset 8 " Alabama Nova " Nothing for Juice 9 " Prana Ferox " Sweden 10 " Alpha Double Negative: Going to Catalina " Songs for Petronius / Nothing for Juice / Bitter Melon Farm 11 " Then the Letting Go " Nothing for Juice 12 " Some Swedish Trees " Sweden 13 " Seeing Daylight " Beautiful Rat Sunset 14 " No, I Can't " Transmissions to Horace / Songs for Peter Hughes / Bitter Melon Farm 15 " The Sign " (Ace of Base) Songs for Peter Hughes / Bitter Melon Farm 16 " Going to Scotland " Nothing for Juice