Sound Tribe Sector 9 sts9-2004-10-29
2004-10-29 The Fillmore

Sound Tribe Sector 9 Live at The Fillmore on 2004-10-29

Set 1: Twilight, Equinox, We'll Meet In Our Dreams, STS9, Squares & Cubes, From Now On Set 2:Movements>For My Peeps, F-Word, Trinoc, Vibyl, Grow, Baraka E~Gobnugget

Files (download all files)
sts9-2004-10-29.flac.md5 (download)
sts9-2004-10-29.ffp (download)
sts9-2004-10-29.txt (download)
sts9-2004-10-29.md5 (download)
ffp.txt (download)