Spiritual Rez sr2011-04-06.RezLive
2011-04-06 Larry's Landing (St. John USVI)

Spiritual Rez Live at Larry's Landing (St. John USVI) on 2011-04-06

Forced drudgery! Fruitless toil! The best sword the Rez has ever forged would hold firm in the fists of a giant; but they for whom I wrought it, contemptuous dudes, they crack and snap it in two as if they had made a child's toy... good thing they stopped making swords and started to rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Na mean... 01. Larry's Landing Set 3 02. The Spot Underground

Files (download all files)
sr2011-04-06.RezLive.ffp (download)
sr2011-04-06.RezLive.md5 (download)
sr2011-04-06.RezLive.txt (download)