State Radio sr2006-02-16.ISI-SEHM-1s.flacf
2006-02-16 Century Lounge

State Radio Live at Century Lounge on 2006-02-16

Source 80428
Source: ISI-SEHM-1's(~5' on head)->SP Battery Box->JB3 (16/48); Transfer: JB3->USB->PC; Processing: Normalizing (to -1.0dB), fade in and fade out applied using SoundForge 8.0; Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting; FLAC frontend 1.7.1 for Flac16

1. Intro 2. State I & I 3. Democracy in Kind 4. Good Graces 5. Ill Advised 6. Gunship Politico 7. Mountain 8. Keepsake 9. The Diner Song 10. Calvado's Chopper 11. Man in the Hall 12. First One Shot > 13. Just Like Larry 14. Rushian Encore: 15. Right Me Up 16. Blood Escaping Man

Files (download all files)
sr2006-02-16.ISI-SEHM-1s.flacf.md5 (download)
sr2006-02-16.ISI-SEHM-1s.flacf.ffp.txt (download)
sr2006-02-16.ISI-SEHM-1s.flacf.txt (download)