Michael Franti and Spearhead spr2002-12-04.shnf
2002-12-04 Prince of Wales

Michael Franti and Spearhead Live at Prince of Wales on 2002-12-04

Disc #1: Intro, Oh My God, Closer To The Sky, Pray For Grace, Every Single Soul, Sesame Street, Yes I Will, Stay Human, Never Too Late, Radioactive Solo, Rock The Nation Disc #2: Words - "Everyone Deserves Music Intro", Everyone Deserves Music > Anybody Seen My Mind, Hole In The Bucket, Feeling Free, Words, Bomb The World, Sometimes

Files (download all files)
spr2002-12-04Lated2.md5 (download)
spr2002-12-04_late.txt (download)
spr2002-12-04Lated1.md5 (download)