The Spikedrivers spikedrivers2007-08-30
2007-08-30 Hookahville - Legend Valley

The Spikedrivers Live at Hookahville - Legend Valley on 2007-08-30

Set 1: Copperhead > Choir Singin' > Blowin' up my Mind > Subterrainian Homesick Blues Been Dazzled Everyone Done Go'd Away Ain't That Bad* It's on Me Look at Miss Ohio Lay me Down House on Fire Like Water Good Ol' Gals Walked Off the Auction Block Set 2: Stealin' Texio Hearthrob Blues She's my Baby The SHOCK Gather Round Who's your Best Friend Now Businessman of Chance Extra Track: Soundcheck Stuff

Files (download all files)
spikedrivers2007-08-30.md5 (download)
spikedrivers2007-08-30.txt (download)