Spafford sp2014-11-23.Spafford
2014-11-23 The Orpheum

Spafford Live at The Orpheum on 2014-11-23

Spafford, Live from the Orpheum Flagstaff AZ 11/23/14 Recorded by Troy Mustachio on a Tascam DR-MKII on board uni D mics > Audacity Funkadelic > Electric Taco Stand Lonely America> Postman Galisteo Way **Hot Buttered Rum w Brian Moss from Spafford Like the French> Turn on Your Love Light

Files (download all files)
11-23Text.txt (download)
sp2014-11-23.Spafford.md5 (download)
sp2014-11-23.Spafford.ffp (download)