Soulive soulive2001-06-22.shnf
2001-06-22 Prospect Park Bandshell

Soulive Live at Prospect Park Bandshell on 2001-06-22

Source 7495
Matrix: (On Stage) Schoeps mk21h(ortf between Neal and Kraz, 4.5' pole)->kc-5->cmc6+1 Neumann TLM 170(omni on Neal's 18" subwoofer, -10dB pad, 3' pole, panned center)+SBD(1/4")->Behringer MX-802A-> Benchmark AD2K+(16nn3, @44.1kHz);R500->Audio Magic Presto II->Zefiro ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn Recorded by Pete Costello, Krut Ruthe, & Scott Bernstein, transferred by Eric McRoberts

Intro, Steppin', Hurry Up...& Wait->, Uncle Junior, Azucar->, One In Seven, Jesus Children Of America->, Who Knows->, Drums->, S.O.U.L.I.V.E.*->, Sex Machine*->, Steppin'(Remix)*#->, Jesus Children*, (banter), Lenny->, Turn It Out

Files (download all files)
soulive01-06-22d2.md5 (download)
soulive01-06-22d1.shn.md5 (download)
soulive2001-06-22.txt (download)