Snoozebox snoozebox2004-11-05
2004-11-05 Grog and Tankard

Snoozebox Live at Grog and Tankard on 2004-11-05

Source 71196
Sony ECM-719 > Sony MZNHF800 MD > SonicStage > HiMD Render > Adobe Audition > Wav

1. We Will All Be Saved 2. Not Yet 3. Tell it to Someone Who Cares 4. Take on the World 5. So I Wrote You a Song 6. Sometime Sunday 7. Hey 8. Radio 9. Not Far at All (Encore)

Files (download all files)
snoozebox2004-11-05.txt (download)
snoozebox2004-11-05.md5 (download)