Steve Kimock Crazy Engine skce2009-11-14.AKG4chl.flac16
2009-11-14 Uncle Charles Stage - Bear Creek Music & Art Festival - The Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park

Steve Kimock Crazy Engine Live at Uncle Charles Stage - Bear Creek Music & Art Festival - The Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park on 2009-11-14

Source 103243
Source: AKG c480b/ck61 (XY) + AKG c460b/ck62 (split 3') > Oade Concert Mod Edirol R-44 (24Bit/48KHz)

Location: FOB, DFC, Approx 9' High

Lineage: R-44 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 (Gain, Resample, MBIT+ Dither, Fades) > TLH > FLAC 16 (level 6)

A New Africa Ice Cream Factory Thats What Love Will Make You Do The Long Form, Part IV Three More Days* Crazy Engine*

Files (download all files)
skb2009-11-14.AKG4chl.flac16.ffp (download)
skce2009-11-14.txt (download)