2009-04-04 McDonald Theatre

Steve Kimock Crazy Engine Live at McDonald Theatre on 2009-04-04

Source 99654
Source: Schoeps MK4/CMC6 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee Mini-Me > Tascam HD-P2 (24/88.2)
Transfer: SF 8 > WAVELAB 5 (UV22HR) > CD WAVE > FLAC
notes: FOB Center/DINa/van den Hul Integration Hybrid Mic Cables/van den Hul Orchid ic cable/van den Hul 1st ultimate digital cable
recorded & transfered by Dean Grabski (taperdean@gmail.com)

CD 1 Set 1 1. JMK/Crowd 2. Soul Roach 3. Baby Baby 4. While We Wait 5. Crazy Engine 6. Stop That Train CD 2 Set 1 cont. 1. You're The One Set 2 2. Something's Goin' Down 3. Footprints 4. Get Out Of My Life Woman 5. It's Your Thing CD 3 Set 2 cont. 1. Merle's Boogie 2. Tongue 'n' Groove 3. Band Intros 4. Slow Down -encore-

Files (download all files)
skce2009-04-04ffp.txt (download)
skce2009-04-04.txt (download)