Steve Kimock Band skb2003-02-28-ams.flac16
2003-02-28 Bowery Ballroom

Steve Kimock Band Live at Bowery Ballroom on 2003-02-28

Source 34957
AMS ST250 (Soundfield, onstage, Blumlein) > AMS Control Box > Mod Sony D10 ProII > Panasonic SV3700 > Sony D8, DA-P1 > Delta Dio 2496

Cole's Law (White Strat) > Tangled Hangers (White Strat) Thing One (Cripe) Arf, She Cried Electric Wildlife * (Cripe) Five B4 Funk ( Cripe) band intros Your're the One (Explorer) Life of the Party (Cripe > Drums > Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) In Reply (Cripe) > Sabretooth (Cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (Sunburst Strat) Band Outtros

Files (download all files)
skb2003-02-28-ams-ffp.txt (download)
skb2003-02-28-ams.flac16.ffp (download)
skb2003-02-28-ams.flac16.md5 (download)
skb2003-02-28-ams.txt (download)