Steve Kimock Band skb2000-07-29.shnf
2000-07-29 Tamarack Mountain Music Festival

Steve Kimock Band Live at Tamarack Mountain Music Festival on 2000-07-29

Source 1983
{FOB} NAK 300/CP1 (DFC, 20' from the stage) > SBM > D7 (DAT); Transfer: DA20MKII (DAT) > WAV via ZA2 > SHN [no DAE]

You're the One Why Can't We All Samba Baby Baby Cole's Law -> Tangled Hangers A New Africa E: Five B4 Funk My Favorite Things

Files (download all files)
skb2000-07-29.txt (download)
skb2000-07-29.md5 (download)