Steve Kimock Band skb2000-04-01
2000-04-01 Chester's Place

Steve Kimock Band Live at Chester's Place on 2000-04-01

Source 16489
{onstage} AKG C61/CK1 > Tascam DAP1 (DAT@48kHz); Transfer: Sony D8 (master DAT) > WAV via VX Pocket V2 > Sony Vaio C1VP (DAARWIN-24) > Sound Forge & Samplitude > SHN [no DAE]

Alice In Wonderland, Soul Serenade, Cowboy, Avalon, Forever Is Nowhere, If You Only Knew, Kissing The Boo Boo Cole's Law, Tangled Hangers, It's Up To You, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Better Git Hit In Your Soul E: Sleepwalk

Files (download all files)
skb2000-04-01.md5 (download)
skb2000-04-01.txt (download)