Space Junk sj2013-08-23.WillowCreek08232013
2013-08-23 Willow Creek Winery

Space Junk Live at Willow Creek Winery on 2013-08-23

Space Junk Live at the Willow Creek Winery opening for Funk Flow and Big Leg Emma I: Snowblinds* > Jewelz*, King Russell, Birds of Prey# *Matt breaks a guitar string towards the end of Snowblinds, has to walk off stage to fix it so the beginning of Jewelz is started without him #Recording gets cut off due to cheap AA batteries ***Vocal levels are a little high throughout...but listen to the jams!!

Files (download all files)
sj2013-08-23.ffp.txt (download)
sj2013-08-23.txt (download)
sj2013-08-23.WillowCreek08232013.md5 (download)
sj2013-08-23.WillowCreek08232013.ffp (download)